Recent content by laclry311

  1. L

    Find the Best Zemax Textbook for Professional Optical Engineers

    Summary:: Hi all, does anyone know a good Zemax textbook? I’d like to learn. Hi all, does anyone know a good Zemax textbook? I’d like to learn. I am a professional looking to move into the optical engineering field.
  2. L

    What is the least resistance in this RC circuit?

    Hello, I know that the lower the resistance the lower the charge/discharge time in an RC circuit, i.e. 5RC is about the charge/discharge time for the capacitor. But how small is the resitstance allowed to be? I'm guessing that the lower the resistance the more the circuit looks like it has just...
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    Exploring the Effects of an Insulator Between Two Diodes

    What would happen if we put two diodes together with an insulator in between? p/n/insulator/p/n
  4. L

    Can you charge multiple capacitors simultaneously?

    What if you put two RC circuits in parallel?
  5. L

    How Is Converted Electrical Energy Stored and Utilized?

    Hello, I am interested in the circuitry of energy conversion, such as solar, thermal, etc. How does the converted electrical energy get stored, for example, do they use supercapacitors? How does it then get applied for general use? Do you have any documentation or circuit diagrams for this?