Recent content by lachy

  1. L

    Error propagation with dependent variables

    Edit: sorry, fixing up latex. Thanks for responding. Given that each channel has been measured independently of the others, the counts in each channel f(y)\pm \sqrt{f(y)} can be used in the "simplification method". To expand on the definition: y_F = \int_{0}^{\infty}yf(y)dy = \Delta y \sum_{i...
  2. L

    Error propagation with dependent variables

    Homework Statement Based on Microdosimetry theory, trying to figure out error propagation for a lot of quantities that are produced from radiation spectra. I am having trouble finding information on how to calculate and propagate errors when the quantities in my equations are not independent...
  3. L

    Differential Pulse Height Spectrum

    Hi there, So I am doing this lab write-up at the moment with a single channel analyser. The following diagram pretty much sums up the setup: So pretty much I have found a suitable operating voltage gain by recording number of counts vs. gain and now I must change the Baseline-E...
  4. L

    Ideal Gas Law Problem - Environmental Physics

    Yeah I have done this (I sent you a pm before?). I was just explaining.
  5. L

    Ideal Gas Law Problem - Environmental Physics

    Charles’ Law describes the volume of a fixed quantity of gas maintained at constant pressure is directly proportional to its temperature. When the valve has not been released the bag has a fixed volume so I don't think you can just set the temperature to 1 (essentially cancelling it) as this...
  6. L

    Ideal Gas Law Problem - Environmental Physics

    Even though the temperature is constant, you do not know it ---> I do believe you cannot find the number of molecules or the number of moles as both of these are dependant upon temperature.
  7. L

    Ideal Gas Law Problem - Environmental Physics

    Could you explain in greater detail how to do this question, anyone?
  8. L

    Ideal Gas Law Problem - Environmental Physics

    Homework Statement 1. Consider ideal gas in a rigid cylinder of 2 litres, at pressure of 3 Bar. The gas is connected through a thin capillary to a free expanding bag, which contains ideal gas at pressure 1Bar and volume of 1 litre. A valve in the capillary initially prevents the gases to mix...
  9. L

    Blackbodies - Wien's Law and Planck's Radiation Formula

    Thank you for replying :) Yes but they are two formulae that show the same thing - surely there should not be any anomalies with the data if it is all consistent? What I mean is, it shouldn't matter how many significant figures - it should all work out shouldn't it?
  10. L

    Blackbodies - Wien's Law and Planck's Radiation Formula

    Homework Statement I have been given Planck's Radiation law and Wien's Law, and need to say whether the values produced from both are the same or different. Homework Equations Planck's Equation: Wien's Law: The Attempt at a Solution So, I have completed the task of...