Recent content by L.Newton

  1. L

    Is Liberal Arts More Challenging Than Mathematics?

    Hey everybody how you doing? I am writing this because I just recently had a discussion with my older brother. He holds a Masters in Music and Administration. I am currently a senior undergraduate in Mathematics. He was saying that the Liberal Arts is a more difficult degree to obtain than a...
  2. L

    Programs Online Degree Programs: Pursuing a BS in Mathematics

    Yeah I understand what you mean about the lack of support services. At my school that doesn't seem to be of very much help anyways. There are about 2 or 3 professors that are truly helpful outside of lecture. I find that I often learn more from reading the textbook and just trying the problems...
  3. L

    Programs Online Degree Programs: Pursuing a BS in Mathematics

    Hello to all on the forum. I was wondering about online undergraduate degrees. I turned 25 in May and am pursing a BS in Mathematics at my local university. However, I find myself failing a lot. It's not because of the material but my lack of availability to attend classes and submit assignments...
  4. L

    Quantized Gravity: GR, Gravitational Waves & Gravitons

    euquila: Yes I'm know. I'm sorry if I misrepresented my understanding. As far as "fundamental force" I would have to employ some basic textbook definition. That's the limit of my knowledge on the subject. As a matter of fact I will be taking modern physics in the fall and I am a math junior...
  5. L

    Quantized Gravity: GR, Gravitational Waves & Gravitons

    So then doesn't that beg the question...Is gravity a fundamental force? If there is not, and there could be, a carrier particle than is it a fundamental force? That is what quantum gravity is right? As what the name implies. gravity quantized. Or is it a different concept?
  6. L

    Quantized Gravity: GR, Gravitational Waves & Gravitons

    Hey guys hope everybody is doing well. Here is my question. From what I understand, according to GR, gravity is present because of the curves in space-time. I also believe, please correct me where I am wrong, that those curves also create ripples in space in time. So that's what einsteins...
  7. L

    Is a Second Temporal Dimension Possible?

    Pretty interesting stuff. I suppose if that's the way nature really works though then what we experience would be a result of 5D-space time.
  8. L

    Is a Second Temporal Dimension Possible?

    Hello to everybody. I had brought up the topic of extra spatial dimension in the math sector of the forum and was directed to the physics section for a question to a second temporal dimension. My questions are the following. would a second temporal dimension run counter to the current arrow...
  9. L

    Exploring the 4th Dimension: Questions and Answers

    Gonna move the temporal dimension over to the physics section.
  10. L

    Exploring the 4th Dimension: Questions and Answers

    Great stuff. Thanks for the feedback. A second temporal dimension sounds pretty cool. Would it run counter to the current arrow of time? Or am I confusing two different topics
  11. L

    Exploring the 4th Dimension: Questions and Answers

    Oh yeah I'm familiar with that one but iv never read it. Thanks for the link
  12. L

    Exploring the 4th Dimension: Questions and Answers

    I meant application of 4 spatial dimensions as opposed to 4 dimensions. We've done work in linear algebra as high as R^5 in chemistry but my main wonder was 4 spatial dimensions
  13. L

    Exploring the 4th Dimension: Questions and Answers

    Very interesting. Iv actually been wanting to get into science fiction. Would you recommend any that have a heavy focus on mathematics or physics?
  14. L

    Exploring Quark Collisions: Experiments & Results

    I'm sorry I don't think it was zero mass. It was zero dimensional. My mistake.
  15. L

    Exploring Quark Collisions: Experiments & Results

    I meant to say point particles. I think it was in a book about string theory. It was some years back though. But yes I must cite more. Duly noted