Recent content by KYY

  1. K

    Detect Single Electron: Fuji-Film & Kodak-Film?

    I'm lacking of a command of English, so my words can be misleading... I do not mean that a 'single electron' forms interference pattern. But I mean that I want to detect a 'single electron' one by one using plate. I want to know concrete experimental method.
  2. K

    Detect Single Electron: Fuji-Film & Kodak-Film?

    Thank you for your reply. I just want to know about Claus Jonsson's Double slits experiment. I heard that he used very sensitive film enough to react to weak electron. I don't have to know the electron's exact spatial location. It is enough if I could see electrons' interference pattern. In...
  3. K

    Detect Single Electron: Fuji-Film & Kodak-Film?

    When I want to detect single electron(double-slits experiment), can I use usual photosensitive film(like Fuji-film, Kodak-film)? And, what specification I need?
  4. K

    What are the benefits of using physics books in college courses?

    Oh! Thank you! I think Prof. Susskind's book is being sold as the title '물리의 정석' in Korea. I've read this book once. Yes. It was difficult and not all the contents were comprehended. But I started to study Classical Mechanics with...
  5. K

    What are the benefits of using physics books in college courses?

    Thank you for your replying. I most like Classical Mechanics in my studied subjects.
  6. K

    What are the benefits of using physics books in college courses?

    Hello I'm KYY. I'm a high school student in South Korea.