Recent content by Kyong

  1. K

    A A system of partial differential equations with complex vari

    Hi, I need to solve a system of first order partial differential equations with complex variables given by What software should I use for solving this problem..? The system includes 13 differential equations ...
  2. K

    Fortran Fortran : generating different output files in a loop

    implicit none character*4 head1,head2,ext character*10 fn1,fn2 integer i,kev head1='jack' head2='jill' ext='.dat' do i=1, 50000 kev=int((i-1)/50)+1000 if(mod(i,50).eq.0) then write(fn1,'(a,i4,a)') head1,kev,ext write(3,*) fn1 write(fn2,'(a,i4,a)') head2,kev,ext...
  3. K

    Space-like virtualities of partons

    I used PYTHIA (an event generator) to have parton showers from the process e+ e- → γ*/Z0→q \bar{q}→parton showers (PYEEVT). I realized that some partons (gluons or quarks) produced in this process have imaginary masses (Q2=E2-px2-py2-pz2<0), i.e. space-like virtualities. As I know, space-like...