Recent content by kyle111

  1. K

    (thermo) how to calculate the temperature of a coal furnace (applied)

    256bits Thank you very much. i will review your material with the book i used to learn thermo "intro to thermodynamicas and statisical mechanics 2nd ed. - keith stowe" yes because its so old, in general we understand completely how this primitve furnace works which is why i thought it would be...
  2. K

    (thermo) how to calculate the temperature of a coal furnace (applied)

    I am an new EE with my FE, but my thermo knowledge is lacking in many areas. Its one area where i would like to become an expert. So i try to find ways of applying thermo analysis on my free time to imprve my skills. where here is one and I have no idea where to even start. a youtuber with a...
  3. K

    Zero phase shift Op-Amp bandpass filter design

    Homework Statement "design a band pass circuit having a midband gain of 20 dB with -3 dB frequencies at 20 Hz and 20 KHz the amplifier should not produce any phase shift." does midband gain strictly apply to voltage gain (because that's how i look at it)? I was going to use a common collector...