Recent content by kwright

  1. K

    Speculation on the nature of collapsed stellar cores

    Thank you so much for the quick response, PeterDonis! If the job of a science advisor is to inform and correct I think I am fortunate to be enlightened by your response for I stand both corrected and informed. kwright.
  2. K

    Speculation on the nature of collapsed stellar cores

    I I think the two cited documents in this post attempt to explain or expand our knowledge of physics inside the horizon using well understood first principals without the need for exotic mathematical anomalies such as singularities. I think there is a connection between the concept of color...
  3. K

    Speculation on the nature of collapsed stellar cores

    Question: If the Hawking radiation outward flux prevents the formation of singularities such that the core collapses to a fixed radius, what prevents the matter contained in such a collapsed core from being color Cooper pairs of fermionic material having bosonic character at a singular...
  4. K

    Speculation on the nature of collapsed stellar cores

    Thank you, DaleSpam, I shall endeavor to study more on this subject which, as Simon Bridge inferred in his post, is really on the fringe area of modern physics with many unknowns (there be dragons out there!).
  5. K

    Speculation on the nature of collapsed stellar cores

    As a matter of principle I don't present personal data on forums. I would add to the suggested bibliography " Flat and Curved Spacetimes" by G.F.R. Ellis et al. which I found helpful as an introductory text in my days as an undergraduate.
  6. K

    Speculation on the nature of collapsed stellar cores

    I might also throw in an interesting, sometimes amusing lecture on the Higgs by the distinguished theoretical physicist Leonard Susskind regarding Higgs boson creation. (58:00 is extremely interesting and relevant to my question): You might ask what this has to do with GR. I am trying to...
  7. K

    Speculation on the nature of collapsed stellar cores

    Please forgive me for asking my questions in the form of speculation, it was done merely to properly frame the question. I apologize nevertheless to Physics Forum as well as anyone who might have been offended by my comments. Among the wide variety of papers and lectures describing Higgs boson...
  8. K

    Speculation on the nature of collapsed stellar cores

    Neutron stars formed from supernova events are prohibited from becoming black holes because it is thought that the gravitational force is not enough to overcome Fermi degeneracy of the neutrons or quark gluon soup at the core of these objects, however, addition of more mass can overcome this...