Recent content by kurt.physics

  1. K

    Polyakov action, reparameterisation q, string theory

    d) Show that the Polyakov action can be written as ##\int \sqrt{\dot{x}^2-m^2}dt##Also if I am wrong about any of the above please inform me.
  2. K

    Exploring the Frenet Frame of a Curve in R3

    Edit:For part i) I think I've got it. The vector γ' is the unit vector in the direction of the curve, and γ'' is the unit vector in the direction of the curvature. Since the magnitude of the curvature is given by ||γ 00||, then the dot product of γ' and γ'' is equal to the magnitude of the...
  3. K

    How to prove the induced 1-norm satisfies a specific equation?

    The answer is as follows: By definition, the 1-norm of a matrix A is given by ||A||1=max||x||1=1||Ax||. Let x be the j-th basis vector, such that ||x||1=1 and x=(0,0,...,1,0,...) where the 1 is at the j-th place. Then ||Ax||=∑|ai,j|=∑[i=1 to n]|ai,j|. Since ||x||1=1, we can conclude that...
  4. K

    Statistics confidence coefficient calculation

    p1 = P( (2175 - 71t) / sqrt(71t) > c / sqrt(71t)) p2 = P( (2175 - 74t) / sqrt(74t) > c / sqrt(74t)) I am not sure how to proceed.
  5. K

    How Do You Diagonalize a Hamiltonian Matrix?

    I started out by trying to diagonalize the Hamiltonian by finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. I found that the eigenvalues are $E_1 = 2, E_2 = -2$ and the corresponding eigenvectors are $|\psi_1 \rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt2}(|0 \rangle + |1 \rangle)$ and $|\psi_2 \rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt2}(|0...
  6. K

    Calculating Coefficients of Modular Forms

    If we have f(z) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}c_n q^n with q = e^{2{\pi}inz}, then we can use the definition of a Fourier series to calculate the coefficients c_n. We have that c_n = \frac{1}{2{\pi}}\int_0^{2{\pi}}f(z)q^{-n}dz where q^{-n} = e^{-2{\pi}inz}. This integral can be solved using contour...
  7. K

    Extended euclidean algorithm and Chinese Remainder theorem

    I'm sorry if this question is too vague or if it's inappropriate but I have been working on this problem for the past few days and I can't figure out how to get from the linear combination to a solution.Thanks in advance for any help.
  8. K

    Hot Dog Data Analysis: Exploring Sodium and Calorie Content by Type

    What kind of analysis would be appropriate for this sample? A two-way ANOVA might be useful for this data set, as it could help determine the effect of both calorie and sodium content on the type of hot dog. It could also help determine if there is an interaction between the two variables...
  9. K

    How Can Mathematical Modeling Describe Oscillations in a Weighted String System?

    We can transform it by using the chain rule:utt - c2uxx = -(m0/ρ)*g'(a)δ(x-a)where g'(a) is the derivative of g(x) evaluated at x = a.
  10. K

    Laplace transform to solve an ODE

    How should I do it? I'm having trouble calculating the inverse of that expression. Thanks in advance.
  11. K

    Logic Problem Solutions: Universal and Existential Formulas

    I am thinking that it should be related to part a, but I do not know how to use the information from part a to prove part b.
  12. K

    Expressing a Wiener process with indicator functions.

    But I don't know how to do that. This is a problem where I just have to guess and check, right? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  13. K

    Use SVD to show rank(XGY) = rank (G)

    Since U and V are unitary, UΣV^T must also be unitary. Therefore, the rank of XGY^T must be equal to the rank of G, which is the dimension of Σ_r.
  14. K

    Solving ODE with Heaviside Step and Delta function

    (a)α(dy/dt) + y = H(t)2.(dy/dt) + (1/α)y = (1/α)H(t)3.finding the integrating factorμ(t) = e^(∫(1/α)dt) = e^(t/α)4.[e^(t/α)](dy/dt) + (1/α)[e^(t/α)]y = (1/α)[e^(t/α)]H(t)5.d/dt{[e^(t/α)]y}=[(e^(t/α))/α]H(t)6.∫d/dt{[e^(t/α)]y}dt=∫[(e^(t/α))/α]H(t)dt7.[e^(t/α)]y = ∫[(e^(t/α))/α]H(t)dt + C8.y(t) =...
  15. K

    Homogenous ODE Problem: Range and Solutions for Frictional Spring Motion

    Thanks. </code>A:A) The range of values of a such that the body moves with oscillations is 0 < a < 4. The range of values of a such that the body moves without oscillations is a ≥ 4. B) The general solution for any a<4 is y(t) = c1e^(-(a/2m)t) + c2te^(-(a/2m)t). To prove that the body slows down...