Recent content by kstbts

  1. K

    Is Age a Barrier for Pursuing a Career in Civil Engineering?

    Thanks everyone. russ_watters, you raise a possibility which I hadn't considered, which is that I might be questioned about this at some point. The primary reason for entering so late is that I've been educating my children. Also, civil engineering wasn't offered at my university when I...
  2. K

    Is Age a Barrier for Pursuing a Career in Civil Engineering?

    I'm 40 yrs old, and it will still be another 3yrs before I can return to school, but I think I've finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up - a civil engineer. I'm using this time to relearn Physics and calculus. A part of me doesn't care if I'm too old, the same part that shrugs...
  3. K

    Improve Your Physics Self-Teaching with These Resources - TIA!"

    Thanks Verty and Radarithm! I will look for these texts. What do you think of this book? While waiting for a response here, I got a response from the head of the Physics dept at the university I plan to attend. He said, "We are using the 8th addition of the "Physics for Scientists and...
  4. K

    Improve Your Physics Self-Teaching with These Resources - TIA!"

    I'm pretty much doing as you've described, and the folks on this forum have already been helpful in verifying some erroneous answers in the teacher's guide. Still, I'd like to go ahead and get a more advanced book to use after I finish this one. That way I can also use it as a secondary...
  5. K

    Improve Your Physics Self-Teaching with These Resources - TIA!"

    In many ways I feel like it is challenging me to think more than my college texts did. Or maybe I'm just more motivated and I'm trying to do more than recognize that a problem fits a particular pattern and apply the pattern I know. But the material isn't difficult. The problem seems to be...
  6. K

    Improve Your Physics Self-Teaching with These Resources - TIA!"

    You're right Austrian. Sorry about that. The only Physics I've taken was an Algebra based college level Physics I, but that was 15years ago. I had a terrible 9th grade Physical Science teacher who had a nervous breakdown that year, and I never took high school Physics. Thankfully, I'm not...
  7. K

    Improve Your Physics Self-Teaching with These Resources - TIA!"

    I wasn't sure where to post this. I've already searched the Learning Materials forum in vain. I'm needing a better physics text for self teaching. The one I'm using does a good job of explaining, however simply it may be, but it's sorely lacking in giving lots of problems with solutions. It...
  8. K

    Basic Q's Net Force and Acceleration

    Homework Statement Homework Equations I am wondering if the answers given in the teacher's guide are incorrect. Ans given for #2: [All same], [A,C,B,D] Ans given for #3: [A,C,D,B] The Attempt at a Solution My answers: #2a: Net forces: A,B,C are 5N; D is 10N. Therefore the...