Recent content by Kreizhn

  1. K

    Can All Elements of SL(2) Be Expressed as a Single Exponential?

    There is also some subtlety in the convergence of the BCH formula. It does not generally converge on a global scale. A quick glance at this paper should hopefully convince you of that. I believe BCH always converges in connected, simply connected groups, though that does not apply in this case.
  2. K

    What is the connection between ideals and fields in Z[x]?

    Sure. Alternatively, isomorphisms preserve cardinality, so as ## \mathbb Z[x]/(x,2) \cong \mathbb Z_2 ## and the right-hand-side has two elements, you get the same answer.
  3. K

    What is the connection between ideals and fields in Z[x]?

    If you take the isomorphism route, I think it would be better to define the map \phi: \mathbb Z[x] \to \mathbb Z_2 by p(x) \mapsto [p(0)] . Namely, each element is mapped to its constant term mod 2. Your map is certainly surjective, so just check that the kernel is I, which isn't too bad...
  4. K

    What is the connection between ideals and fields in Z[x]?

    If I recall correctly, the following result holds: Let R be a ring and a,b \in R . If \bar b is the equivalence class of b in R/(a), then R/(a,b) = [R/(a)]/(\bar b). This essentially just says that if you are careful about the book keeping, you can quotient by (2,x) by first quotienting by...
  5. K

    Can All Elements of SL(2) Be Expressed as a Single Exponential?

    It is certainly not simply connected, but I think you mean just connected in this case. Simple connectivity is unrelated to surjectivity of the exponential.
  6. K

    Power Series Representation of (1+x)/(1-x)

    Rereading your question, I now understand what you are saying. Have you been doing as suggested? Use long division to break up the rational function, then use vela's comment about how x^0 = 1 and you'll get the answer your originally posted.
  7. K

    Power Series Representation of (1+x)/(1-x)

    The 1 in front comes from using long division to isolate the 1/(1-x) term. I'm not sure what you're asking in your second question though. If you want to change the index of a summation, you can do it entirely artificially. Namely, if you want \sum_{n=1}^\infty x^n to look like a sum where the...
  8. K

    Surjectivity of induced map via hom functor implies injectivity

    Ah yes excellent. I figured that out today, and could have saved myself a lot of time if I had just looked here first.
  9. K

    Surjectivity of induced map via hom functor implies injectivity

    Homework Statement Let R be an arbitrary ring, B and B' be left R-modules, and i: B' \to B be an R-module morphism. Show that if the induced map i^*: \operatorname{Hom}_R(B,M) \to \operatorname{Hom}(B',M) is surjective for every R-module M, then i: B' \to B is injective. The...
  10. K

    Algebra Is Aluffi's Algebra: Chapter 0 the Ultimate Guide for Undergrads?

    I always stress to my colleagues that they take a serious look at this book: it is incredibly insightful, well structured, and just an all around fantastic read. While I often have to (sometimes physically) wrestle Dummit & Foote or Lang from the iron-clasp grip of their fingers, once they pick...
  11. K

    How do I show that a function defined by an integral is of class C1?

    For multivariate calculus, do the same argument with partials. Though here you need not do that since your function is just a map F: \mathbb R \to \mathbb R . Now the solution is not quite straightforward: you are going to need to check that the derivative of your F(x) is continuous. You...
  12. K

    How do I show that a function defined by an integral is of class C1?

    If f \in C^k(\mathbb R, \mathbb R) then define g(x) = \int_1^x f(t) gt . We would like to show that g \in C^{k+1} , and hence that the (k+1) derivatives of g exist and are continuous. Well, \frac{d^{k+1} g}{dx^{k+1}} = \frac{d^k f}{dx^k} and this is continuous by assumption that f \in C^k .
  13. K

    How do I show that a function defined by an integral is of class C1?

    When you differentiate a C^k function you get a C^{k-1} function. What happens when you integrate a C^k function?
  14. K

    Derivative of a curve traversed in the opposite direction

    My apologies, perhaps it would have been better if I had chosen the parameterization of S^1 = \mathbb R / 2\pi \mathbb Z before writing that line. All I meant is that if we take \gamma: S^1 \to M and \iota: S^1 \to S^1 to be loops in their respective codomains, then they are implicitly...
  15. K

    Derivative of a curve traversed in the opposite direction

    I hope that this is a foolish question and that someone can make quick meat out of it. If \gamma: S^1 \to M is a loop on an arbitrary manifold M, our goal is to analyze the tangent vectors to \gamma when the loop is traversed in the opposite direction. Let \iota: S^1 \to S^1 be the map...