Recent content by Kracatoan

  1. K

    News Green light for UK nuclear programme

    Taken from the BBC website - good news though :)
  2. K

    News Why Are Riots Escalating in London?

    A blind swipe perhaps, but maybe not entirely untrue, as the recent decline in teacher authority in Britain certainly has a correlation with the Labour Party being in power, a problem the current government wish to correct. That said, the blame does not lie entirely with Labour, instead I...
  3. K

    News Why Are Riots Escalating in London?

    For me, the blame lies in the breakdown of the British Education system under labour this last decade. Teachers have lost the right to discipline unruly behaviour - thus eradicating the respect for authority - and non-academic children have been forced to follow an academic style education which...
  4. K

    Astrophysics Books - Suggestions for Learning

    I would recommend, written by the British Astronomer Royal is gives an excellent description of many areas of astrophysics - not just black holes.
  5. K

    Burying Nuclear Waste: Is it Necessary?

    One of the big problems with nuclear power often quoted by critics is the enormous cost and danger of waste disposal, but I just can't see it. So, why can't we simply bury nuclear waste in the ground, the moment we've finished with it in the reactors, without vitrifying it at great expense...
  6. K

    News Can the nuclear industry be trusted?

    Don't be so sure, quite recently I was lucky enough to pay a visit to the Joint European Torus at Culham and was fascinated to learn that their smaller experiment (MAST) would have been capable of producing a steady, albeit small, output of power if only they had taken the trouble of fitting it...
  7. K

    Why does redshift indicate that space-time is expanding

    Its the fact that the further away it is, the faster a galaxy appears to be travelling, and this points towards space-time itself expanding, rather than the galaxies moving away and nothing else.
  8. K

    Maximum Sustainable Earth Population

    There is a difference between maximum possible population and maximum sustainable population. Naturally a population can exceed the limit of its sustainiblity for a short while, however the length of time such a large population can last for is definitely finite.
  9. K

    Maximum Sustainable Earth Population

    A most interesting point, I'd never thought of that perspetive before. Indeed, it is most irritating that politicians are butting much emphasis on biofuels, when that land could be put to much better use growing food.
  10. K

    Maximum Sustainable Earth Population

    I know there have been many threads discussing the ethics of population control, but none seem to have any actual estimates, apart from 1 a couple of years ago. I started this thread just to see if anyone had any good, referenced numbers, rather than opinions.
  11. K

    Maximum Sustainable Earth Population

    Sustainable, as in, has no net effect upon world resources and can be maintained indefinately, using current technology. I think Lovelock's estimate was based upon average, developed country lifestyles.
  12. K

    Maximum Sustainable Earth Population

    Climate change and environmentalism are some of my favourite areas of science and from both reading around and going to lectures I've got two figures for the maximum sustainable population of the earth, those being: 1 billion - from James Lovelock (one of his Gaia books) 1-2 billion - from...
  13. K

    What's gravity like? at center of the earth

    No it doesn't. Remember, the reason we get zero gravity at the centre of the Earth is because we have an equal attraction from the bodies of mass on all sides, in a black hole however, the mass in concentrated in a singularity with 0 volume and 0 radius, and so you cannot have a point inside it...
  14. K

    How do you dissolve plaster of paris or this thread gives acid based suggestions: but if it is on a house, perhaps vinegar is not a good option.
  15. K

    Exploring Possibilities of Space Travel Beyond Light Speed

    Although it would be nice to travel near the speed of light, I think it is more likely that any trips to other stars and their planets would be strictly one way affairs. I.e something along the lines of a "city, or seed, ship" which would travel at classical velocities, take a very long time to...