Recent content by korneld

  1. K

    I Questions about Curie Temperature Characteristics

    Is the curie temperature of a ferromagnetic material constant? Are there any factors that will raise it or lower it? For instance, what happens if my piece of iron is already in a strong magnetic field? Is the curie temperate higher, then?
  2. K

    I What is the Ideal Plasma Pressure for Successful Fusion?

    OK, cool. Thanks. With this in mind, what is the minimum pressure and temp at which DT fusion occurs? They talk about the record of 2 atm, but they don't say how far off they were.
  3. K

    I What is the Ideal Plasma Pressure for Successful Fusion?

    I am trying to wrap my head around the concepts in fusion. They talk about ion density, but I don't ever see that expressed in pascals, for instance. Why is that? I understand that confinment time is also important for successful fusion and that they go hand in hand, but I'm not concerned about...
  4. K

    Pressures and Temperatures Required for Fusion

    What are the pressures and teperatures needed for artificial deuterium-tritium fusion? In other words, what are the minimum values for each that allow fusion to occur? Is there an equation for it?
  5. K

    Superconductivity in the Presence of a Magnetic Field

    Curious: say, it takes a particular piece of superconductive material "x" seconds to reach the state when submerged in liquid nitrogen. Now, say we try to do the same in presence of a (strong) magnetic field. Does x increase, decrease or does it stay the same? My money is on increasing, because...
  6. K

    Force Exerted on Ferromagnetic Object by Permanent Magnet

    No, unfortunately everyone pretty much ignored it. Not sure why. I think, though, that it's probably best to do this experimentally. Calculations for this stuff can be difficult I'm told, and ultimately inaccurate.
  7. K

    Force Exerted on Ferromagnetic Object by Permanent Magnet

    Hello everyone. There is a little project I could use some help with. I would like this done in a spreadsheet, so I can mess around with different values. The Problem: On one hand, I have a permanent magnet and, on the other, I have a ferromagnetic object. I want to find out the force...
  8. K

    Can a Perfectly Insulated Thermos Keep Liquid at the Same Temperature Forever?

    Say, you could create a thermos that is perfectly insulated from the environment. No heat going in and out 'till the end of time. If you put boiling-hot water in it, would that water stay the same temperature forever? What I am curious about is if friction or something else would gradually...
  9. K

    Volume of Gas by Burning Gasoline

    Thanks for that. Isn't that 9 H2O, though?
  10. K

    Volume of Gas by Burning Gasoline

    What is the volume of gas produced for a unit of gasoline burnt?
  11. K

    U: Is there a way to convert force on impact into energy?

    Is there a way to calulate the kinetic energy of an objent upon impact based on the measurement of force alone? Say, I drop my object on a force gauge. It comes back with a number in Newtons. Is there a way to turn that number into joules?
  12. K

    How Is Work Calculated for Permanent Magnets on Iron Plates?

    Thanks for the info. '... and what you mean by "full force"': I've read on one permanent magnet manufacturer's website (which now I can't seem to find) that the material to be attracted by the magnet has to to have a certain thickness, but beyond that point thickness is irrelevant. I am...
  13. K

    How Is Work Calculated for Permanent Magnets on Iron Plates?

    Yes, no movement means no work done. What I am looking to find out is if a ferromagnetic plate is "sucked in" by a magnet, how much kinetic energy is gained. Also, what the minimum thickness of this plate would have to be to take advantage the full force of this magnet.
  14. K

    How Is Work Calculated for Permanent Magnets on Iron Plates?

    Thanks for that. But the problem is that the force increases as the distance between the objects decreases. I thought there might be a formula that takes the increasing flux into account. Second, I meant to ask about the thickness of the plate.
  15. K

    How Is Work Calculated for Permanent Magnets on Iron Plates?

    Hi, I have two questions about permanent magnets: 1. How do you calculate the work done by a permanent magnet on, say, an iron plate? 2. I am aware that the force exerted on an object by a magnet depends on the surface area. Is it also affected by the thickness of the object to a...