Recent content by kore52

  1. K

    Hydraulic Liftgate: Find Optimal Cylinder for 90° Rotation

    I don’t have a pump picked yet but I can have whatever is needed. The hinges are in the side of the frame and I will mount the cylinder/s below and inside the frame rails of the conveyor
  2. K

    Hydraulic Liftgate: Find Optimal Cylinder for 90° Rotation

    Im thinking a 2 stage, 3hp 1500-3000psi set up
  3. K

    Hydraulic Liftgate: Find Optimal Cylinder for 90° Rotation

    Hello everyone and thanks for any and all feedback! I am looking for help with a hydraulic system for a liftgate conveyor I will be installing for a customer. The conveyor is 10" in length and 3' wide but the liftgate portion is only 7' long. The approx. weight of the 7' section 500lbs. My...