Recent content by KoontzyN

  1. KoontzyN

    Total interior and exterior charge of a hollow sphere?

    Homework Statement A hollow conducting sphere has inner radius R and outer radius 1.5R. A +40nC point charge is placed at the center. What is the total charge on the interior and exterior walls of the sphere? R=10cm Homework Equations Gauss's Law σ = Qenc/A The Attempt at a Solution I'm not...
  2. KoontzyN

    Velocity of a plane when you hear a sonic boom?

    Homework Statement A plane flies directly over your head. When the plane is 45° above the horizon from your perspective, you hear a sonic boom. How fast is the plane flying? Homework Equations Doppler effect for a receding source f- = fo / (1+Vsource/c) The Attempt at a Solution Any help...
  3. KoontzyN

    Pressure at the bottom of a glass pipe?

    Homework Statement Given a cross sectional area of A=10cm^2 1kg each of water ( ρ = 1000 kg/m^3 ), olive oil ( ρ = 800 kg/m^3 ), and mercury ( ρ = 13600 kg/m^3 ) are poured, and allowed to settle. What is the pressure at the bottom of the pipe? Homework Equations F=PA P=Po+ρgd The Attempt at...