Recent content by kloong

  1. K

    State Machine Diagram for a Telephone?

    Hi, I'm not from Software Engineering background and I'm trying to learn State Machine Diagrams on my own by looking at resources on the internet. I'm trying to come up with a State Machine Diagram for a telephone but I can't seem to find an answer on the internet. Can you help me by telling...
  2. K

    Integrals By Parts With Infinity As Limit

    \int_0^\infty \lambda x e^{-\lambda x} dx How do I use the limits (infinity and 0) after getting the equation from integration by parts?
  3. K

    How does a 4x4 Keypad work with PIC 16f877A?

    I know the PIC scans the row(input) and column(output) of the keypad. But how do they know which key is pressed? Can you explain as detail as possible with this drawing?
  4. K

    How to connect USB mini-b plug to USB type A?

    Oopps. Okay. Haha. Thanks. I didn't see that.
  5. K

    Building a wireless robotic car using PIC microcontroller 16F877.

    I have a few questions. 1. Which programming language should I use? I am thinking of using C++. I know assembly but am not very good at it, so I am trying to avoid assembly. 2. Which program should i use to compile the PIC code? I am thinking of using MPLAB IDE. Is it sufficient/ok? 3...
  6. K

    Which programming language should i use for my project? And question about PIC.

    I will be doing my finalyear project next year. And I thought of building a robotic butler, i.e: a robot that can be summoned by the user with a click on the remote control to bring the food/drinks that are stored in it to the user. I am hoping that the robot could trace and go to the signal...
  7. K

    Comp Sci Updating & Retrieving Private Variables from Postman Class in Worker

    Question: public class Postman { private String Name; private int Age; } How you can update and retrieve the private variables Name and Age from another class Worker. public class Worker { //An object a is created from class Postman What i tried to do: // public class...
  8. K

    Control System - First order system

    Q: 1) A thermometer requires 1min to indicate 98% of the response to be a step input. Assuming the thermometer to be a first order system, find the time constant. 2)If the thermometer is placed in a bath, the temperature of which is changing linearly at a rate of 10degrees/min, how much...
  9. K

    How to find this laplace transformation?

    System: U(s) ---> H(s) ----> Y(s) the transfer fuction is: H(s) = s^2 / ( (s+1)(s^2 + 2s + 2) ) how to find the lapalace transform Y(s) of the output when the input is a unit step function?then how about the output time response y(t) (without imaginary terms) when the input is a unit step...
  10. K

    Which Addressing Mode is this? MOV DX, ES:[BX+6]?

    Wow. I never knew there are combined ones. Ok, thank you very much. =)
  11. K

    Which Addressing Mode is this? MOV DX, ES:[BX+6]?

    umm.. I am thinking if it's register addressing mode, immediate addressing mode, direct addressing mode, register indirect mode or others..
  12. K

    Hexa to Decimal Conversion, Binary to Decimal Conversion?

    Homework Statement 1) How to convert 101010.0101B to decimal? 2) and Hexa number 17DB.C to Binary. 3) and lastly, -101 (decimal) to the 2's complement form. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution for the first one, clearly my problem lies at .0101B. I thought it's...