Recent content by klimatos

  1. K

    How Much Heat Energy Can Be Harvested from Sunlight Per Square Meter in the UK?

    What I would like to know if the heat energy we can harvest from a m2 in the UK or on Earth. The answer depends on the precise location, the time of day, the time of year, what year and the multitude of factors that affect the angle of incidence of the radiation. It also depends on the...
  2. K

    Question about variations of the Sun's path over long periods of time

    Time zones were not used before 1883. Before that, every community set its own local noon bases on its longitude. Precise times of day (to the minute) had almost no value before the coming of the railroad. Many people used local church bells to signify the rough time of day.
  3. K

    Heat Energy Intercepted by the Earth

    What is the source of your data? Virtually every reputable source of data for the Earth's heat budget gives a Solar Constant of 1,366 watts, more or less. Energy from the stars is negligible, due to the fact that its intensity is divided by the square of the distance between us and the stars.
  4. K

    Where is the hotter substance? (Dew condensing out of the air onto a lawn)

    Russ: Could you please provide a citation supporting your statement. <The example of steam burns was given to you in another thread:>The statement in question was your assertion that the latent heat was transferred to the grass. Your reference...
  5. K

    Where is the hotter substance? (Dew condensing out of the air onto a lawn)

    Russ: Could you please provide a citation supporting your statement. My source says the latent heat warms the air (page 21). In any case, your response begs the question. Where is the hotter substance that is the source of this heat?
  6. K

    Where is the hotter substance? (Dew condensing out of the air onto a lawn)

    1. Let us postulate a warm, muggy, summer’s night on your front lawn. The air is gently settling onto the cooler grass, generating a sparkling coat of dew. 2. Conventional condensation theory tells us that as the liquid dew condenses out of the humid air, a quantity of latent heat is released...
  7. K

    Latent Heat: An Alternative Explanation

    I have reread the forum rules and concede that I am in violation of them in posting a speculation. My apologies to all.
  8. K

    Latent Heat: An Alternative Explanation

    1. In studies of the heat budget of the global free atmosphere, the concept of “latent heat” (now known as “enthalpy of condensation”) plays an important role[1]. 2. Both observation and experiment confirm that when humid air condenses the temperature of the remaining air increases[2]. 3. This...
  9. K

    Why does air rise in the water cycle?

    Warm air does not automatically rise. Nothing moves against the force of gravity except in response to a greater force. Warm air will often simply form a "bubble" on the surface much like the vapor bubbles on the bottom of a pan of warming water. It does not go up (rise) unless pushed up by...
  10. K

    Is atmospheric pressure gravitational or kinetic?

    The UCAR reference is clearly designed for children. If air pressure represents the weight of the overlying air, how do you explain the Bernoulli Effect. Air pressure demonstrably responds to wind direction and wind velocity. Anybody who has observed a barometer "pumping" during a windstorm...
  11. K

    Heat during the Day: Answers to Your Questions

    Luke, 1. Atmospheric temperatures will increase as long as incoming radiation (from both the Earth and the Sun) exceeds outgoing radiation. This mean that daily atmospheric temperatures normally reach a peak in the middle of the afternoon, not at noon [see the meteorology text of your choice]...
  12. K

    Are there other variables that control climate change?

    I seem to have inadvertently pushed several posters’ “hot buttons”. That wasn’t my intent. I am retired now, but when I taught undergraduate courses in the atmospheric sciences I utilized the current consensus of informed scientific opinion. However, when I taught graduate courses I...
  13. K

    Are there other variables that control climate change?

    Jim, You might want to qualify that rather bald statement ("human activity is the driver for climate change") somewhat! Most paleo-climatologists might take exception to it. There is good scientific evidence for climate change throughout the Earth's history. Global warming itself has been...
  14. K

    Are there other variables that control climate change?

    It would appear that there exists insufficient scientific evidence that could be used to support a reasoned conclusion. Not all questions have satisfying answers!
  15. K

    How does water vapor in the atmosphere form under normal conditions?

    Vaporization is not restricted to boiling. Anytime that a surface of liquid water is exposed to the free atmosphere, gross vaporization will occur. It is spontaneous and it is continuous. The rate of vaporization depends upon surface temperature, salinity, and a host of other factors, but...