Recent content by kleinma

  1. kleinma

    Calculate Size of Small Rectangles to Fill Max Area in Encompassing Rectangle

    That wasn't what I was asking... This is for a real world problem, so I need a real world answer.. not theoretical assumptions.
  2. kleinma

    Calculate Size of Small Rectangles to Fill Max Area in Encompassing Rectangle

    The issue at hand, is I will have a rectangle of size x. This rectangle will contain n smaller rectangles. Each of these smaller rectangles is the same size though. I need to figure out how to calculate the SIZE that the smaller rectangles should be, based on 1) the size of the...
  3. kleinma

    How does the Earth's atmosphere affect the perception of color in space?

    im probably wrong, but wouldn't this light bending not depend so much on where I am physically looking in the sky (directly up, or at the horizon) but where I physically am on the Earth (NY versus one of the poles). Or is it more to do with the curvature of the Earth on the horizon? I guess it...
  4. kleinma

    Astronaut's Experience Orbiting Earth at 11K mph

    well the Earth is what, has a equatorial circumference around 25k miles right? so somewhere around 1 and a third hours you would have orbited the Earth right?
  5. kleinma

    How does the Earth's atmosphere affect the perception of color in space?

    right but any light you observe past our atmosphere out in space is doing this move you talk about
  6. kleinma

    How does the Earth's atmosphere affect the perception of color in space?

    doesn't visible light bend through our atmosphere though? like the effect you get on the moon during an eclipse?
  7. kleinma

    How does the Earth's atmosphere affect the perception of color in space?

    No i think it is more that Earth's atmosphere changes the color of things in space when you observe them from Earth though...
  8. kleinma

    Astronaut's Experience Orbiting Earth at 11K mph

    Ok so when an astronaut is orbiting the earth, let's use a Hubble servicing mission as an example (if only we could get another of those). The shuttle, the astronaut outside the shuttle, and the telescope are all moving at high speed in orbit around the earth. I forget the number, like 11k miles...
  9. kleinma

    Can black holes be used for time travel?

    and Jet Lee lives in each one right?
  10. kleinma

    Formation of the Moon: Did You Catch its Name?

    well in that case... I created the universe
  11. kleinma

    Can black holes be used for time travel?

    way i see it.. if time travel was possible (into the past) we would all be gone due to some paradox that would undo the universe... as far as time travel into the future, suspended animation seems to be the only likely posibility, which while not instant, it would seem so to the one traveling
  12. kleinma

    Formation of the Moon: Did You Catch its Name?

    is this planet supposed to be past the kupier belt? also, is it still a large planet? I think we would be able to detect it if it still was orbiting the sun... also if this planet created Earth as we know it... how did the Sumerians record these events? maybe i just read your post wrong?
  13. kleinma

    Formation of the Moon: Did You Catch its Name?

    Orpheus is the name of the planet they believe was between the Earth and Mars and hit the Earth to form the moon
  14. kleinma

    Formation of the Moon: Did You Catch its Name?

    well i ordered the DVD today, so once i get it I will post again stating what name has been given to this planet that helped make Earth what it is today
  15. kleinma

    Are Crater Chains on Planetary Bodies Evidence of Alien Warfare?

    what if it was created by a ring around the moon at one point in time? like saturn is now, only with larger rock fragments. Perhaps, like Earth is believed to have been, this ring was not past the Roche limit, and therefor fell back into the planet. Some of the material entering back in could...