Recent content by kkiddu

  1. K

    What does Computer Science and Engineering involve ?

    Hi guys. I'm finally finishing with high-school and jumping into engineering college world. I've wanted to be an engineer. I've always known that. I love to figure out how stuff works. I automatically get attracted to look if a repairman is repairing some kind of machine at home. My computer...
  2. K

    Questions on P-N junction circuits

    Hi I need circuit diagrams for studying P-N junction & Zener Diode under forward and reverse bias. I know they are available on Google, but I had a few questions, and if I understand the answers, I won't need circuit diagrams. 1. a) Some circuit diagrams have a rheostat connected in series...
  3. K

    Magnetic Force Paradox: How Does Einstein's Theory of Relativity Solve It?

    It does seem logical. I mean, I don't know even 5% of the physics that exists in the world, but I don't know how to explain it to you, electric force just felt right. It was, as if, there was a reason for it to exist, a property called charges. I was completely befuddled about the very nature of...
  4. K

    Magnetic Force Paradox: How Does Einstein's Theory of Relativity Solve It?

    Yes, what remains is to find how exactly does the force change direction. Let this be a journey I undertake alone. :) Thanks born2bwire. I think I understand as much as I can without going into the actual theory. I get a basic idea at least. You guys rock. :)
  5. K

    Magnetic Force Paradox: How Does Einstein's Theory of Relativity Solve It?

    That means the stuff, or the math in it, is a bit advanced for us to do it at this point, so I can just accept it as a fact and understand it when I go to college. Thanks. :) So, in short, from the lab frame, we see two current carrying wires producing magnetic fields and attracting each...
  6. K

    Magnetic Force Paradox: How Does Einstein's Theory of Relativity Solve It?

    Right. Thanks. I understand. And could anyone answer the second part of my question ? "Can you tell me why does a magnetic bottle cause reversal of the direction of helical motion ?"
  7. K

    Magnetic Force Paradox: How Does Einstein's Theory of Relativity Solve It?

    Could you please explain it again in cruder and simpler terms ? Knowing that I don't even understand spacetime or Lorentz Transformation ? I tried googling for stuff, but all of it went way over my head. I'm getting a feeling that I won't be able to understand it unless I take a book and read...
  8. K

    Magnetic Force Paradox: How Does Einstein's Theory of Relativity Solve It?

    Hi We've just begun studying magnetic force in school. Our teacher told us to explore the possibility of a paradoxical situation as F=qBv From different inertial frames, the apparent force will be different, won't it ? Our teacher told us that Einstein's theory of relativity solved the...