Recent content by Kiwimaster76

  1. Kiwimaster76

    Plausibility of this meteor habitat?

    That is actually a really good idea! The mountain would have to be unbelievably massive even if I shrunk the crater but if it was a tall, wide volcanic mountain like Mons Olympus that would actually work well and be a good massive island. This would also lend well to how the crater is supposed...
  2. Kiwimaster76

    Plausibility of this meteor habitat?

    Ohh, I see. No the entire planet is like Earth in materials. Its just things like the far deeper oceans and thicker crust that make it lighter. The core isn't smaller than Earth's, it's slightly bigger but not by much and not proportionally to the planets increased size. The magnetic field is...
  3. Kiwimaster76

    Plausibility of this meteor habitat?

    I don't recall stating exactly what the planet is made of except for mentioning the island is basalt. But the planet is less dense as it it's makeup is different. Not all rocks weigh the same and quite frankly a large part of this planet is water and to a depth that makes Earth's oceans look...
  4. Kiwimaster76

    Plausibility of this meteor habitat?

    So is Hawaii, its literally one big volcano and its debris. Only thing is they have winds off the ocean that blow away the volcanic gasses. If it's a crater it won't get those winds. That is a good point though, there are some real world examples I should probably take a closer look at.
  5. Kiwimaster76

    Plausibility of this meteor habitat?

    I see, well the atmosphere on the planet is actually supposed to be a little bit denser than Earth (A major part of the story is based on large hovercraft). I would consider making it deeper anyway but the deepest craters on the moon are at max 3.7 miles (6 km) and this is an active planet and...
  6. Kiwimaster76

    Plausibility of this meteor habitat?

    So its seeming as if the volcano is the big problem. If it was replaced with just a center peak from the craters formation and instead there was a large stable magma pocket pretty far under it that vented out to the edges of the island would that solve it? That way there would be no gas released...
  7. Kiwimaster76

    Plausibility of this meteor habitat?

    So in a story I'm writing humanity has found itself on another planet, its larger than Earth but less dense so that the gravity is roughly the same. There is a higher concentration of oxygen on this planet and most of it is pretty habitable. However for reasons that are too long to include say...
  8. Kiwimaster76

    Calculations for a theoretical planet + a little biology

    So I'm attempting to write a scientifically accurate story and i need some help with the planets characteristics. I have a few things set up already and need some educated guesses and ideas for how the rest will work. So to start with what i have: Planet name: Remvale Radius:~8370 miles Gravity...
  9. Kiwimaster76

    Medical Effects of 25 minutes of beta radiation exposure?

    Also thanks for your help guys! I appreciate the reassurance. :)
  10. Kiwimaster76

    Medical Effects of 25 minutes of beta radiation exposure?

    The Cobalt was in the exact same casing and had 1μ on it which I assume means 1 microcurie
  11. Kiwimaster76

    Medical Effects of 25 minutes of beta radiation exposure?

    Not so much worried as mildly concerned, I know strontium-90 is used as a tracer isotope in medical imaging and as radiotherapy treatment for skin cancers so its probably not too major. Arkansas, USA. Its a pretty reputable college so i doubt they'd keep anything that could do real damage...
  12. Kiwimaster76

    Medical Effects of 25 minutes of beta radiation exposure?

    This is the same type of sample as the on in the lab
  13. Kiwimaster76

    Medical Effects of 25 minutes of beta radiation exposure?

    So in chem lab we were doing experiments in radiation and the TA seems to have no idea how to do stuff, he told us to hold the samples at certain distances from a Geiger counter for 2 minutes at a time. I was tasked with holding an Sr90 sample for roughly 25 minutes, it was a very small sample...
  14. Kiwimaster76

    I How does plasma act outside of a containment field?

    Wait so would all of this kinetic energy be turned into an explosion? Because if that's so then 100 grams of plasma at that temperature has about as much energy as 71.7 tons of TNT. For comparison when Mythbusters made diamonds they used about 2.5 tons of a TNT equivalent. 100 grams of plasma...