Recent content by kipinaac

  1. kipinaac

    I What does it mean for a particle to vibrate?

    Thanks for answering my questions! Clears some things up!
  2. kipinaac

    I What does it mean for a particle to vibrate?

    I am definitely familiar with the ideal gas model. I have my copy of University Physics next to me. I just wanted to confirm that temperature/vibration are macroscopic quantities (describing systems of particles, rather than an individual particle).
  3. kipinaac

    I What does it mean for a particle to vibrate?

    Then what exactly is meant by "random motion" and how does that not violate any conservation principles? My, again, classical understanding would have me believe a particle, unimpeded, will travel in a straight line. Is the complex motion of a single particle in a large system of particles...
  4. kipinaac

    I What does it mean for a particle to vibrate?

    I intuitively understand macroscopic vibration, but trying to understand what it means for a particle to vibrate doesn't seem to make sense from the classical understanding I have of momentum and energy. First, are particles even said to vibrate or have vibrational energy? If so, how is momentum...