Recent content by kingdomoff

  1. K

    Gain saturation in EDFA amplifiers

    I'm interested more in physical background. Why in saturated gain region gain is lower than in unsaturated (small signal) gain region. what happens with population inversion?
  2. K

    Gain saturation in EDFA amplifiers

    Hi, Why for arbitrary high input power the gain saturates in EDFA (erbium-doped fiber amplifer)?
  3. K

    How do the intensities change when using a polarization beam splitter?

    i've some assumptions, but I'm not sure that I'm in a right direction: for the 1-case: the intensities at two output ports will be half of the input intensity. Pout1,2[dBm]=Pin[dBm]-3dB for the 2-case: the intensity at input port will twice the intensities of combined beams at output...
  4. K

    How do the intensities change when using a polarization beam splitter?

    no it is not homework, it is my research. i need it to mount to my experimental setup. so before doing it i want to calculate losses and to know how much power will i loose using it.
  5. K

    How do the intensities change when using a polarization beam splitter?

    Hi, let's assume a polarization beam splitter (PBS) that splits the unpolarized beam into two beams with opposite polarization states. The PBS has one input port and two output ports. 1) If input beam has an intensity I, what will be the intensity of beam at each output port...
  6. K

    Polarization dependace of semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)

    Hi, could you explain me polarization dependence of SOA amplifiers. and how to transfer the transverse electric (TE) mode to transverse magnetic (TM) mode. Are there any passive components to do it?