Recent content by kineticjustin

  1. K

    Where would I begin if i wanted a job in the CSA or as an astronaut?

    Hi everyone, I know this may seem a little impossible but I have always dreamed of working for someone like the Canadian Space Agency, becoming an astronaut, or even working in the ISS. I'm currently studying mechanical engineering and am about to head into my 3rd year. How would I go...
  2. K

    Question about Pumps and Nozzles

    How do I know if a pump I have is strong enough to suck up a pool of mucky water? What equations would I use? And how do I calculate the pressure with which the water would be discharged? Then finally how do I determine the correct nozzle to disperse this water? This is not a homework...
  3. K

    Confused about the speed of a point on a rotating body

    Homework Statement The system consists of a 20-lb disk A, 4lb slender rod BC, and a 1-lb smooth collar C. If the disk rolls without slipping, determine the velocity of the collar at the instant theta=30 degrees. The system is released from rest when theta= 45 degrees. Homework Equations v=wr...
  4. K

    Conservation of Energy applied to A system with Rotation and Translati

    I should mention that the length of rod BC is 3ft.
  5. K

    Conservation of Energy applied to A system with Rotation and Translati

    Problem Statement: The system consists of a 20-lb disk A, 4lb slender rod BC, and a 1-lb smooth collar C. If the disk rolls without slipping, determine the velocity of the collar at the instant theta=30 degrees. The system is released from rest when theta= 45 degrees. Above I attached a photo...