Recent content by Kimosabae

  1. K

    Text(s) for Relativity for Poets course?

    As someone that has gone from rapping, to a degree in sociology, and is now currently focused on re-engineering his psyche to make pure mathematics more intuitive to him: I find that there is much to be poetic about in regards to mathematics. Poetry is expressing ideas that are often taken for...
  2. K

    Anyone seen any neat physics paper for a casual talk?

    Couldn't any subject essentially be discussed in a casual manner? I know some things require more critical thinking in terms of presentation than others; but it's my belief that if you understand a subject thoroughly enough, and are passionate about it, you can contrive ways to make it relatable...
  3. K

    How Are Solutions -91.9 and 170 Derived Using the Quadratic Formula?

    Thanks so much, gentlemen. I was evaluating incorrectly. I was trying to put -0.0256 over 1 to get rid of the fraction, multiply by the -1 and then add +0.0256 to +/-√11.24 giving me the incorrect values. Thanks again!
  4. K

    How Are Solutions -91.9 and 170 Derived Using the Quadratic Formula?

    Could someone please help with this evaluation? Homework Statement -1+/-√11.24/-0.0256 The solutions given for this are -91.9 and 170 and I am truly flabbergasted as to how this instructor achieved these values.
  5. K

    Looking For a Certain Type of Math Program (OSX)

    Thank you much for the reply. I'm checking out the link now.
  6. K

    Looking For a Certain Type of Math Program (OSX)

    Hello. I'm looking for a certain type of Math software that I'm not sure exists. Something like Microsoft Word - but specific to Math. Something that will allow me to mess around with algebra and arithmetic kind of like a calculator in Notepad or Word form. Preferably free. Sorry for the poor...