Recent content by killza

  1. K

    Splitting Particles: Beyond Elements & Nucleas?

    isn't it possible to split particles beyound elements and nucleas? can the splitting go on forever and ever?
  2. K

    Exploring the Hutchison Effect: Room Temperature Metal Melting

    Any of u heard of him? the founder of Hutchison effect, I am very interested in his work but i really don't know how he did those werid things espcailly the melting of metals at room temperature, would someone care to explain a little about his effect? (or has any of you never heard of him?)
  3. K

    Where Does Fire Go? | Science & Math Explained

    when u have a fire on a candle, and u blow the fire out, where does it go? does it evaporate into thin air? or does it just disappear? can fire really evaporate? i been wondering about this question ever since my math/science teacher brought it up