Recent content by KillaChaos

  1. K

    Possible Answer to ECE Finals Questions

    There is a ground on the negative terminal. Its written in the problem. Vo is 10V and Io is 3mA according to the solutions. Could someone explain why KCL seemingly doesn't apply here?
  2. K

    Possible Answer to ECE Finals Questions

    Okay, it isn't so much as an equation, as it just reasoning it out. In class we were told to assume the current entering either terminal of the op amp had to be zero. That means 2 milliamps HAS to be going through the 5k and 10k resistors. Now if any current enters or leaves the Io, that...
  3. K

    Possible Answer to ECE Finals Questions

    The value is 2 milliAmps. For equation to Find Io, I guess you would use a KCL.
  4. K

    Possible Answer to ECE Finals Questions

    I just took my final exam in Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering. I could go on describing how horrible/well it went, but a certain question has caused major disagreement. We had to solve Io (the current leaving the Op Amp) and Vo (the voltage at the output of the op amp)...
  5. K

    How is data encoded in copper/light?

    I was watching the Silicon Photonics demo Intel posted ( and I got interested in how data is stored in electrons/light. I previously thought that a "1" or "0" was sent to a chip depending on if the light was on or off. However...
  6. K

    How Can You Effectively Design Abutments for a Cardboard Bridge?

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but for this cellular door application here is that I would mean I would create many "toilet paper rolls" and stack them vertically? Or b.) I am just stacking non corrugated cardboard on top of another to create one large beam?
  7. K

    How Can You Effectively Design Abutments for a Cardboard Bridge?

    Okay, took a while to get that all down, amazingly I understood most of it. 1.) How would I calculate, or how would I figure out an optimal distance of how much of the bridge should be touching the table? 2.) Seeing how I am just building a large corrugated beam, could I add my "useless" arch...
  8. K

    How Can You Effectively Design Abutments for a Cardboard Bridge?

    Sorry for requoting the whole post, I wasn't aware I saw doing so. I don't think the tasks will be incredibly difficult considering we made a paper bridge that held 200 times its own weight (the difference was were given the blueprints.) As for the specs of the bridge I meant to say it is...
  9. K

    How Can You Effectively Design Abutments for a Cardboard Bridge?

    The 160lb is a requirement (the teacher has to walk across the bridge) so it would have to hold 160 lbs across the deck. Also, this is a high school engineering class, we have gone over reactions (each joint has to evened out at 0N, and each member has to "cancel out" the force of another...
  10. K

    How Can You Effectively Design Abutments for a Cardboard Bridge?

    Thank you for your comments. This is only my second bridge and it is not clear to me that I may have no idea what I am doing when it comes to design. First, it is to span between two tables. Secondly, I have not considered the reactions at the supports. I am most likely not imagining the...
  11. K

    How Can You Effectively Design Abutments for a Cardboard Bridge?

    I was thinking about designing an undertruss/arch bridge. Here is a diagram of my concern. Is this something I should worry about? How do I adequately prevent that part from folding in?
  12. K

    How Can You Effectively Design Abutments for a Cardboard Bridge?

    I am building a cardboard bridge that is supposed to span 7-9 feet and made of cardboard. I am having trouble however designing the abutments. The bridge will simply be placed on a table (no suspension designs btw) and will have a maximum 10% grade. What will be the best way to design the...