Recent content by Kiefer

  1. K

    Use geometric series to find the Laurent series

    Use geometric series to find the Laurent series for f (z) = z / (z - 1)(z - 2) in each annulus (a) Ann(1,0,1) (b) Ann(1,1,∞) Ann(a,r,R) a= center, r=smaller radius, R=larger radius Ann(1,0,1)=D(1,1)\{0} My attempt: f(z)= -1/(z-1) + 2/(z-2) geometric series: Σ[n=0 to inf] z^n - 1/2...
  2. K

    Find a unitary matrix U such that U*AU is diagonal

    For the following matrix A, find a unitary matrix U such that U*AU is diagonal: A = 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 I found the eigenvalues to be -1,-1,-1,7 and the eigenvectors to be (v1)=(-1,1,0,0),(v2)=(-1,0,1,0),(v3)=(-1,0,0,1),(v4)=(1,1,1,1) Normalize these vectors...
  3. K

    How Should Solutions to a System of Linear Equations Be Expressed for Clarity?

    Find all solutions to the following system of linear equations: (x1) – 2(x2) – (x3)+(x4)=1 2(x1) – 3(x2) + (x3) – (x4)=6 3(x1) – 3(x2) + 6(x3))=15 (x1) + 5(x3)+(x4)=9 Using a system of linear equations, I found: 1 -2 -1 0 1 0 1 3 -3 4 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 so three solutions are...
  4. K

    Complex Analysis: What is f(1-4i)?

    Not really sure where to start, any help pointing me in the right direction would be great. I've done a somewhat similar problem where I proved that the function was constant, so that f equals the same value at all points, but that is not the case with this function.
  5. K

    Complex analysis to evaluate integral

    Use complex analysis to evaluate the integral [from 0 to 2∏]∫dt/(b + cost) with b < -1.
  6. K

    Complex Analysis: What is f(1-4i)?

    Suppose f is an entire function and, for every z in the complex plane, |f'(z) - (2 + 3i)| ≥ 0.00007. Suppose also that f(0) = 10 + 3i and f'(7+ 9i) = 1 + i. What is f(1 - 4i)?