Recent content by kevin86

  1. K

    Simultaneity in Special Relativity and lorentz transformation

    How do I derive the equation for Simultaneityfrom one of the lorentz transformation. If you can help me with that, please help with time dilation as well. The textbook focused mainly on the mathematically derivation without using the lorentz transformations, and I cannot find any answers...
  2. K

    Fortran How to Handle Outliers in Array Data in Fortran?

    Hello I have a bunch of data in a text file that got loaded into an array. Now the problem is that there are a lot of outliers. So let's say if I find the outlier, how do I get rid of it, by say move the next one to that spot. If I do that how do I redefine the arrary size. What would be...
  3. K

    What are the Differences Between Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopes?

    Is transmission electron microscope the original EM, and Scanning the better resolution one. What is the main difference between the two
  4. K

    How to determine DNA fragment size from this gel I have the numbers for the marker. So to find out size the fragments I just match the numbers on the markers to the bright spots that I circled right. I just need to double check.
  5. K

    Fortran Fortran spacing/coordinate question

    I don't really need *, I am happy to use 0 and 1 etc
  6. K

    Fortran Fortran spacing/coordinate question

    how do i do that, please help, point me in the right direction
  7. K

    Fortran Fortran spacing/coordinate question

    I suppose this is the way to do it. I actually needed to give each asterisk an x and y coordinate value, so I can print them out anywhere I choose. But I try this.
  8. K

    Fortran Fortran spacing/coordinate question

    Since the graphing idea is not available. Does the fortran write/print command let me choose where a number or * is printed at. Like a row column thing if I want to print say a * on the page. * * * * *...
  9. K

    Fortran Drawing Polygons in Fortran: How to Use Code to Create Geometric Shapes

    i am thinking of just a few points should do it, not lines necessary, just the code to setup a coordinate system is good enough, the codes for display and print etc etc
  10. K

    Fortran Drawing Polygons in Fortran: How to Use Code to Create Geometric Shapes

    Anyone know the codes to draw polygons in fortran. Actually a few points work too.
  11. K

    Fortran Fortran Newbie: Help Installing Compiler

    Hi I need a fortran compiler and mostly, I need help installing those binaries or folders and files. I am a newbie and do not know how to install one of those compilers. If anyone has a better suggestion for a compiler that is free please help
  12. K

    Some misunderstanding i've about waves

    are questions involving a rope vibrating, standing waves, and all transverse waves? Can someone categorize which other wave is longitude other than sound and which is transverse. Is light transverse or longitudinal, and why, or how can you tell. I would appreciated someone clear it up for me.
  13. K

    Color and the relation to d orbitals

    I never really learned this, and it popped up yesterday. Can someone explain to me how to compound colors are all determined by the d orbitals and would it be only the d orbitals. it would be very helpful, thanks.
  14. K

    Atomic Radius: Determining Size through Electron Configuration

    thanks, that was very insightful.
  15. K

    Atomic Radius: Determining Size through Electron Configuration

    This is pretty simple, just give me a quick concept should be enough, no need to go over the details. What determines the radius size again? Was it just the electrons? Say for example which is bigger, potassium ion or argon. Same electron configuration but different proton numbers. Would...