Recent content by kevin0960

  1. K

    Generalized version of cannon ball problem

    Yeah, It looks almost impossible to use modular to prove... Do you know any related article about this??
  2. K

    Generalized version of cannon ball problem

    It seems like we cannot find C for arbitary p, But can we know the existence of C for arbitary p ?? I don't need to find the entire solutions, just a single one.
  3. K

    Generalized version of cannon ball problem

    Yeah, I know But what I mean was, is it possible to find the solution for arbitary p ??
  4. K

    Generalized version of cannon ball problem

    No, I checked with mathematica n < 100,000, p < 20 there are some solutions such as p = 5, n = 13, 134, etc I think there are more solutions.. :)
  5. K

    Generalized version of cannon ball problem

    For All p in Natural Number, Is \exists n , n > 1, \sum^{n}_{k=1} k^p = C^2 where C is arbitary natural number (not constant) ??
  6. K

    Collision of two small particles

    People say the small particle such as electron has a property that the wave has. But isn't that if particle acts like a wave, isn't it impossible to have a collision between two particles? Because when two different waves meet together, it just go through each other without having an any effect...
  7. K

    Hemisphere sliding down problem

    I found few more equations for that problem. First, because the object moves on the hemisphere before it falls off It must satisfy following condition \frac{v_y}{v_x + V} = tan \theta Also, I am not quite sure about the equation but since the object is having on circular motion (at the...
  8. K

    Hemisphere sliding down problem

    There is a small object, which mass is m on the top of hemisphere, with the mass of M. the size of the object is neglectable. Also, the radius of hemisphere is R. There is no friction between the hemisphere and the object, and the hemisphere and the surface. What if we slightly hit the...
  9. K

    Planck's assumption and Uncertainty principle

    Hi guys, I earned that \Delta E \Delta t \gtrapprox \frac{\hbar}{2} But one thing that's really strange is, according to Planck's assumption on black-body radiation problem, it just say that energy of each osciliator can be written as E = nhf where n is an integer. (I hope...
  10. K

    Does the Ozone Layer Have to Fall Due to Its Molecular Mass?

    Thx guys. It helped a lot :)
  11. K

    Does the Ozone Layer Have to Fall Due to Its Molecular Mass?

    The molecular mass of ozone is 48. But the average molecular mass of air on ground is 29... So, doesn't the ozone layer have to fall?