Recent content by kernelpenguin

  1. K

    Mainstream Science: What's the Mainstay?

    How come noone's mentioned the scientific method yet? Without it, the "mainstay" of physics would probably be God or some other supernatural entity.
  2. K

    Time in time-dependent theories

    I have this odd question. I'm not a physicist, just a computer scientist in training with a broad range of interests. So excuse me if I get something completely wrong. There seems to be a bunch of theories in physics that basically say that some or all universal "constants" are not in fact...
  3. K

    Does length contraction apply to all objects, big and small?

    Hm. What I mean is this. If there are a lot of particles in a row, going at c. Like this: oooooo Then they will be flattened individually: | | | | | | Yet, why should they get closer to one another as their shapes deform and thus contribute to the macroscopic deformation of...
  4. K

    Does length contraction apply to all objects, big and small?

    I was thinking about relativity after a lecture the other day and I came across something, well, odd. Imagine an electron flying at near c. It would look like a pancake that doesn't much care for aerodynamics. How much it resembles a pancake would pop out of the Lorentz equations for its...
  5. K

    Wikipedia's article on black holes

    That's what Wikipedia said. If, for an outside observer, it takes an infinite amount of time for matter to enter a black hole, does this mean that from the point of view of an outside observer, after a black hole has formed, no new matter will enter it?
  6. K

    Thermodynamics, gravity, entropy

    The way my physics lecturer explained it (I'm majoring in compsci so it wasn't a very technical explanation) was that the probability of having an even distribution of matter is higher than having it all gather into a clump or clumps. For example, if you have 4 indistinguishable particles of...
  7. K

    Thermodynamics, gravity, entropy

    The laws of thermodynamics (the second one, if I'm not mistaken) basically say that if matter is in clumps, it will become equally distributed over time and not the other way around. But if we look into space, we see that matter was (probably) equally distributed in the beginning and has now...
  8. K

    Does Time Exist for a Photon Traveling from Point A to Point B?

    But if a photon is created and absorbed without any time passing for it in between, would it not demonstrate that the Planck time is not the smallest unit of time possible?
  9. K

    Does Time Exist for a Photon Traveling from Point A to Point B?

    1. Time seems to have a 'smallest step' -- the Planck time unit. 2. A photon travels at c. 3. When you get closer to c, time dilates causing your passage in time to get slower compared to the rest frame. And now... If a photon is emitted at point A and absorbed at point B, then from the...
  10. K

    What is the relationship between Earth's rotation and its mass?

    On the UserFriendly forums I saw a message a few days ago from two people that had lost some weight. It went something like: "If you've noticed that the Earth is spinning faster, it's because X and Y have lost N pounds!" Okay, logically, an object should start spinning faster if it sheds some...
  11. K

    Is x not in A or B AND not in C?

    I'm trying to prove something small with set theory and since I'm new to it, I've run into a problem. I can't understand what the following means exactly and how to proceed further. Or where the mistake is, if there is one. I think there is, because it seems... freaky...
  12. K

    Answering Questions on Speeds & Waves in Relativistic Space

    Suppose you were in a craft traveling at 0.5c towards an alien planet. That alien planet has been sending out TV broadcasts for the past hundred years. Those broadcasts are moving towards your craft at c. Will those broadcasts play at twice the speed? Is this what is meant by 'time...
  13. K

    Crypto Forum: Discuss Crypto & Maths

    How about it? A crypto forum, anyone? Possibly under maths.
  14. K

    Does Knowing Everything Eliminate the Need for God?

    Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators the creator seeks--those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. Friedrich Nietzsche "Thus Spoke...
  15. K

    Are DU Shells Dirty Weapons? Exploring the Debate

    This probably shouldn't be under philosophy, but what the hell. A dirty weapon is an area denial weapon. It is used to make an area uninhabitable by delivering a payload of radioactive or toxic goo, which is harmful to life. It is feared that terrorists might use dirty weapons in major...