Recent content by kennykroot

  1. K

    A calculus how do they get there from here question

    A calculus "how do they get there from here" question I'm trying to understand this step in my physics book: From this (K is a constant.) (1) {\frac {{\it dp}}{{\it dy}}}=Kp To this (2) {\frac {{\it dp}}{p}}=K{\it dy} and then to this (3) \int \!{p}^{-1}{dp}=\int \!K{dy}...
  2. K

    Maple Can Maple Replace Latex for Math Input?

    Latex is way too clunky. Can I use Maple to compose the math that I put in my posts? I like the WYSIWYG method of inputing math that it offers because I can't think in those lines of Latex code.
  3. K

    Notation, i.e. making your post look like math

    Wow, that's awfully clunky. Isn't there something more WYSIWYG-ish where I actually see the mathematical symbols instead of the code as you compose the post. Thanks!
  4. K

    Notation, i.e. making your post look like math

    Can someone please tell me how I can put proper mathematical notation in my posts? Can I use Maple to do this?