Recent content by kended

  1. K

    Why won't power utility company charge for kVA instead of kW

    yep, that was my thought. If anyone wants to add to this, please feel free. Thanks for your time.
  2. K

    Why won't power utility company charge for kVA instead of kW

    Thanks russ, When you say "only affect the equipment/wire size", wouldn't that be enough to justify charging me those huge purely inductive current I'm drawing? In theory, that wire size could be infinitely huge... just a thought :) My understanding is that they have kVA meters for industrial...
  3. K

    Why won't power utility company charge for kVA instead of kW

    Hello all, As I understand (and realize when looking at my electricity bill) it seems all power utility company (in residential market) only charge for kW not kVA. But somehow I find it a bit weird when I think about it more deeply. Wouldn't it make more sense to charge for kVA ? Otherwise, it...
  4. K

    Electric Field & Battery-Wire: How Electrons React

    In short the battery creates an electric field. Since an electrical conductor has "free" electrons available for conduction (that is negative charges), those charges gets pulled towards the positively charge side of the battery while the negative sides pushes them. By definition, ANY charge will...
  5. K

    E-field greater at sharp edges?

    Hello everyone, Could someone explain or direct me to some detailed explanations as to why is the electric field at a conductor greatest where the curvature is sharpest? I just can't seem to grasp this concept. I understand sharp edges do have this property so is this that there is more...
  6. K

    3-Phase line impedance R/L simulator

    Thanks Windadct for your quick response. Yes indeed, this is a lot of heat! We do have special ventilation to handle those systems. As I said, we can test with less power if we have no choice but worst case (150KW) would be nice. I will try talking to our power utility cie and see if they could...
  7. K

    3-Phase line impedance R/L simulator

    Hello folks, We are looking to perform some tests with our system that is connected to 380VAC mains and draws up to 150KW of power. We want to be able to simulate different line impedance (R & L) to test our power supplies in low/bad line conditions. A few R and L values would suffice...
  8. K

    What Books Are You Currently Reading?

    Currently reading: Why E=MC^2 and why should we care? by Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw
  9. K

    What is the physical makeup of an electron?

    Thanks for your reply DonJStevens. I think I may have to read some more on this subject. It seems though that the book was written in 2002. So perhaps has the subject evolved a bit since then. Now with the very recent "supposed" discovery (measurement) of the Higgs-Boson, I read that string...
  10. K

    What is the physical makeup of an electron?

    First off I'm no physicist but an EE. So my question might seem odd, but in light of everything that was said until now, why has nobody (except for one guy I believe) proposed string theory to try to explain what elementary particles are (electron included)? Is this because it is still an...
  11. K

    Question about wireless digital signaling

    Yes it is possible, but you'll have much trouble with your local broadcasting regulators as square waves contains many different frequencies (see Fourier analysis). Those wouldn't all be transmitted at high power due to the antenna's limited bandwidth, but still, you would be transmitting across...