Recent content by Kekrozz

  1. K

    Inertia: Why Is It Measured in Meters to the Fourth Power?

    Man I don't understand polish...
  2. K

    Inertia: Why Is It Measured in Meters to the Fourth Power?

    I think you are getting confused by the measure unit. The right expression of a moment (mathematic) is this You can apply this definition because you have already applied the continuous geometrical model (little mass dots forming your body)...
  3. K

    Track Movement of Spherical Mass with 3 Contact Points

    I think this is not feasible, in with way you are saying that the Conical support receive (μN)scrc moment, but actually it has to receive the tangential force due to the rotation of the test mass, also I think that this model is able to explain what happens in steady rotation, but is not...
  4. K

    Track Movement of Spherical Mass with 3 Contact Points

    Yes of course, but at time zero when the system, is starting to rotate, in the contact point there is the frictional force (the system is initially at rest), so first of all the transmitted force has be bigger than the frictional force to activate the rotation, in that particular instant, for...
  5. K

    Track Movement of Spherical Mass with 3 Contact Points

    why the αsrs=αdrd should be equal? you are already supposing the no skid with this equation?
  6. K

    Torque Needs for Rotating Wheels Without Skid

    If I have two wheels with a contact point connection when the one of the wheels is starting a rotation due to a certain torque which condition do the torque have to fulfill in order to: 1) starting the rotation 2) guarantee a rotation without skid My toughs for now are: 1) the torque has to...
  7. K

    Inertia: Why Is It Measured in Meters to the Fourth Power?

    You are doing the same operation that you are doing for the "classical inertia moment", mass x distance^2 (Kg m^2), but instead of the mass you are using the area. the logical explanation is that when you are calculating a some sort of geometrical moments you are, always, multiplying a quantity...
  8. K

    Track Movement of Spherical Mass with 3 Contact Points

    Hello! I'm having a little problem to figure out the rotation of a spherical mass, maybe you have more clear ideas! Imagine to have a sphere laying (just it weight) on a support with three contact point: 1) one wheel, that has an external torque apply. 2) helping support that touch the sphere...