Recent content by kbar1

  1. K

    How Is Light Intensity Affected by Multiple Polarizing Filters?

    Very sorry about that. I was just trying to help. Silly me, that should be cos^2(60°). But why is 3I0/16 incorrect? Intensity is reduced by 1/2 after the first screen, another 1/2 because of the second screen, and by cos^2(30°). So that would be 3I0/16. Am I missing anything? And why is...
  2. K

    How Is Light Intensity Affected by Multiple Polarizing Filters?

    If the intensity of the light before entering the first screen is I_{0}, then its intensity after exiting the screen in the middle is \displaystyle\frac{3I_{0}}{16}. By passing through the third screen, intensity will be reduced further to cos^2(70)...
  3. K

    Potential difference in rod rotating in magnetic field

    Hello! The rod's center is stationary. The two ends are rotating. But I think I got your point. That has to be one of the quickest problem resolutions ever! Thanks a lot!
  4. K

    Potential difference in rod rotating in magnetic field

    Homework Statement Q: A rod of length l rotates with a uniform angular velocity ω about the axis passing through its center and perpendicular to its length. A uniform magnetic field B exists with its direction normal to the plane of rotation. The e.m.f. induced between the center and anyone...
  5. K

    Exploring the Role of Strong Magnetic Fields in Moving Water Molecules

    A 10 gigatesla field ... would be lethal even at a distance of 1000 km, tearing tissues due to the diamagnetism of water. At a distance halfway to the moon ... could strip information from the magnetic stripes of all credit cards on Earth. From [].
  6. K

    Energy stored in capacitor w/ dielectric

    Guess that clears it. Thanks all.
  7. K

    Can kinetic energy be added linearly?

    According to special relativity, velocity cannot be added to another velocity linearly. But I was thinking, what about kinetic energy? K.E. = mv2/2. As velocity increases, the object's mass also increases. The way I see it, the increase in mass "compensates" for the less-than-expected increase...
  8. K

    Energy stored in capacitor w/ dielectric

    Never thought about it. Does the electric field set up between the plates oppose the insertion of the dielectric? Wild guess on my part: The energy is used to attract the dielectric, because the capacitor system with it has lesser energy (i.e. more preferable) than the capacitor without the...
  9. K

    Energy stored in capacitor w/ dielectric

    Pardon me if I'm wrong (I'm new to this topic), but does the force applied to push the dielectric matter? The only thing nagging me is that the energy stored in the two cases is different, and I'd like to know where the difference went.
  10. K

    Energy stored in capacitor w/ dielectric

    Suppose a (parallel plate) capacitor of capacitance C is charged to a potential difference V and then disconnected and isolated. Energy stored E1= Q2/2C. Now if a material of appropriate dimensions and dielectric constant K is fully inserted between the plates, energy stored E2= Q2/2KC. E2...
  11. K

    Can We Create a Magnetic Field on Mars through Moon Formation?

    I'm confused. I thought that the combination of large mass and strong magnetic field allowed Earth to mostly retain its atmosphere. Mars, being less massive and having a weak magnetic field, had its early atmosphere stripped []. But then why does Venus (with no appreciable...
  12. K

    Can Light be Slowed and Stopped? Exploring the Properties of Light

    You mean it gets red shifted? []. Speed is the same I believe, unless you run it through anything other than vacuum/air.
  13. K

    Intuitively - why aren't black holes hot?

    What's the current hypothesis as to what happens when the black holes become too small to exist?
  14. K

    Simple Question about the Solar System/Planetary Systems

    Also, if situated in larger distances, wouldn't the gas giants act as "guardian angels", taking care of many stray asteroids or comets that would otherwise *might* crash into planets with life?
  15. K

    Intuitively - why aren't black holes hot?

    That is what Hawking thought, I think. A black hole (if we assume that it doesn't have a temperature, i.e. doesn't emit energy) violates the second law of thermodynamics, by sucking up everything that falls on it (reducing the entropy of the universe), but doesn't compensate for it (by emitting...