Recent content by kazuchan

  1. K

    Linear Equations dealing with motion

    I got it. I had my second equation wrong. it should have been x=2+y. thanks for the help anyways.
  2. K

    Linear Equations dealing with motion

    At 11AM a train traveling 57 mph leaves Chaney City for Atlantic City 543 miles south. At 1PM a train on a parallel track leaves Atlantic City for Chaney City and travels at 42 mph. At what time will they pass each other? I have 57x+42y=543 and x+2=y and I solved for x and y. I got x=51/11...
  3. K

    Geometric probability question

    got it! thanks for pointing that out!
  4. K

    Geometric probability question

    A dog is running around in a fenced-off rectangular field with dimensions of 40ft by 50ft. If the position of the dog is uniformly random throughout the field, what is the probability that the dog is 10 feet or more away from the fence at any given time? In know that since the dog is...
  5. K

    Find k for Geometric Sequence b1=1000, bn=(2/3)bn-1: 0.001

    Thank you both for your help! Now I understand what the problem is asking. So if I continue to plug in each bk i get and try to find the one where bk<.001 the answer would be 36?
  6. K

    Find k for Geometric Sequence b1=1000, bn=(2/3)bn-1: 0.001

    b1,b2,b3,... In the geometric sequence above, b1=1000 and bn=(2/3)bn-1 for all n\geq2. What is the least value of k for which bk<0.001? The Attempt at a Solution What I did first was I found what b0 is since we are given b1 and that is 1500. But I do not understand where the k is...
  7. K

    Minimum % of Registered Voters Needed to Sign Petition for City Ballot

    In order to be included on the ballot in a certain city, a candidate must get at least 12.5% of the registered voters in each of three or more of the city's five districts to sign a petition. The ratio of the numbers of registered voters in the five districts is 6:5:5:4:5. In order for a...