Recent content by Kathhhriine

  1. Kathhhriine

    Rate of flow - thermal physics

    I meant power, where i wrote pressure, sorry. :oops:
  2. Kathhhriine

    Rate of flow - thermal physics

    Frankly, i don't even know how to start this. I deducted from the solution, that they must have used power/(specific heat capacity x temperautre), however i don't understand how that will give the rate of flow of air. Could anybody help, please?
  3. Kathhhriine

    How is the Ideal Gas Law Derived from Temperature and Pressure Relationships?

    I figured that T' is a common factor for both relationships and from there deduceted that T'=p2xt1/p1=v1xt2/v2. However, I don't understand how that can be further manipulated to PV=KT.
  4. Kathhhriine

    Thermal physics -- Converting the internal energy of argon atoms to temperature

    I rearranged u=3/2NkbT, to get T=(2U)/(3NKb). Then i changed from mass to molecules, by taking N=(m/M)x(avogardos)=(6.46/39.9)x6.02x10^23=9.75x10^22. I plotted in the values; T=(2x568)/(9.75x10^22 x 1.3x10^-23 x3) =298K. The value given in the solution is 282K.