Recent content by kashan123999

  1. K

    Complementing my Management Sciences/Operations Research

    Thankyou so much. Well unfortunately there is no manufacturing methods course being offered at our university however there are courses of advanced statistical analysis and Dynamical Systems. I personally want to blend my OR knowledge and its algorithms with the rigorous approach of CS in...
  2. K

    Calculus Calculus for business and economics textbook?

    Hey there everyone, can you kindly recommend me a textbook of calculus with special emphasis on its applications in business and economics. I am a Management Sciences Major and I really want to learn the applications of calculus in economics and business.
  3. K

    Complementing my Management Sciences/Operations Research

    Hey there, I am an undergraduate student doing Management Sciences. I love my subjects, the courses and projects. However I personally feel I should choose a minor to complement my major. As Management Sciences/OR deals "problem solving" at the core and does not "specialize" into a specific...
  4. K

    Schools Best Universities for PhD in Theoretical Physics in Fullerton, CA

    that is the problem,you both are directly relating his question to his possibility of joining a grad school,How honest is that? "I FEEL" that question was not even remotely related to his chances of joining a grad school,Just as Many of the "actual" scientists were religious,but THAT didn't...
  5. K

    Schools Best Universities for PhD in Theoretical Physics in Fullerton, CA

    That was quite odd vanadium "frankly if you can't find it on your own,you are not going to make it to phd program" that was really discouraging and rude on your part,Atleast i feel it is,quite rude
  6. K

    From where the E inside the battery comes from?

    thank you i would surely read it as well :)
  7. K

    From where the E inside the battery comes from?

    So as I am junior high school student just learned that when the terminals of wire are connected to a battery,an E (electric field) is established inside the battery from positive to negative end/terminal (How did I assumed one as positive and one as negative? COnvention regarding electric...
  8. K

    Point dividing a line segment (externally)

    Actually in my book it talks about external ratio of the same line (AB in your case) and the point which divides them in some ratio k:k, lies beyond that line..I couldn't grasp it how it is an "external" ratio,i mean that would make it completely different (TO me IMHO and i an dumb TBH),it would...
  9. K

    Point dividing a line segment (externally)

    Yes thanks this is what i was talking About,i couldn't grasp that concept of having a ratio when the point which is dividing the line lies at,say in your case,4 on real line...kindly help me through it
  10. K

    Point dividing a line segment (externally)

    I think i was quite precise sir... There is an idea in my textbook regarding "point dividing a join of two points in a given ratio" so there in it is written if the point which divides the join of two points,lies beyond the join say AB...then it actually divides the points in ratios...
  11. K

    Point dividing a line segment (externally)

    no,actually I need an intuitive look into the concept maybe...
  12. K

    Point dividing a line segment (externally)

    I am just not able to connect this concept with my mind,i mean how is it possible to divide a line externally when the point is beyond the line..can anyone explain it intuitively in simple terms kindly? I am not able to grasp it clearly
  13. K

    Relation b/w Electric Field Intensity and Potential Gradient

    what is then the use of that language for me or for a layman who couldn't grasp it from the inside,that inside revelation of "o yes I just know how it works"...I mean then only cramming the formulas and rote learning remains,which is unfortunately happening in my and other 3rd world countries to...