Recent content by kamalayka

  1. K

    Star Wars old cast is coming back for a new movie

    It's a good thing Carrie Fisher lost all that weight -- otherwise, they'd have to cast her as the secret love child of slave Leia and Jabba the Hut. . .
  2. K

    Silly Question.. Learning the names of properties

    Over the past couple years, I have self-studied all of the basic mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus). When learning something new, my approach has always been to understand the underlying logic of why I was doing what I did. I have a bit of a proble, however. I never...
  3. K

    Can I Become a Physicist Without a College Degree?

    The average age for college freshman in the early 19th century was aroung 16, and the average workload was about three times what it is today. (I can't recall the exact article in which I read this.) And if you look at the number of college freshman who are not adequately prepared for studies...
  4. K

    Can I Become a Physicist Without a College Degree?

    Could you elaborate, or are such discussions censored by the moderators? And, for that matter, what exactly is pseudoscience? Would music theory be considered pseudoscience? Or the laws of grammar?
  5. K

    Can I Become a Physicist Without a College Degree?

    I dropped out because of the bullying I faced everyday. (It sounds sort of cliche to say that, I know.) Why is philosophy hated on this forum? What about the philosophy of mathematics? In my opinion, philosophy is very much like mathematics, especially formal logic...
  6. K

    Can I Become a Physicist Without a College Degree?

    Crackpot? Nope -- I never tried a cigarette, let alone crack. From age five to seventeen I was forced into piano lessons, which meant no social life/opportunity to experiment with drugs. If I come across as weird, it's because I have autism. (The truth is that I am a high-functioning autistic...
  7. K

    Can I Become a Physicist Without a College Degree?

    The university I live near has a "3+2" agreement with Penn State: three years at the first university and then two years at Penn State would mean a BA in Physics (from the first school) and a BS in engineering (from Penn State). That sounds interesting, but also a bit intimidating. (Math comes...
  8. K

    Music Some Old-Fashioned Video Game Music I Wrote
  9. K

    Can I Become a Physicist Without a College Degree?

    I'm not even sure what I mean. Maybe I'll do a philosophy degree and continue doing math as a hobby. (I hope that philosophy factory downtown will be hiring when I graduate.) Thanks for the advice, everyone. Can a person with high-functioning autism even go to college?
  10. K

    Can I Become a Physicist Without a College Degree?

    I wasn't clear in the title. I meant that I would like to knowledgeable in physics. Honestly, I've just been bouncing possible career directions around in my head for a while. I really want to study something that involves lots of mathematics and abstract thinking. (My approach to calculus...
  11. K

    Can I Become a Physicist Without a College Degree?

    I don't have any glamorous views about science or scientists. In fact, I don't even want to be a scientist.
  12. K

    Can I Become a Physicist Without a College Degree?

    I do have a GED. For what it's worth, I am good at abstract thinking. I only got one wrong on this test: (It's pretty fun, if you want to try it. In each question, you look at the top row from left to right, then choose the one from...
  13. K

    Can I Become a Physicist Without a College Degree?

    I am a 23yr old high-school dropout. Ahh! Wait! Before you roll your eyes and say, "sorry, pal, not a snowball's chance in hell," let me elaborate a bit. A few years ago, I discovered that I have an affinity for math. Since then I have learned the following topics through self-study...
  14. K

    Scifi Author Needs Answer to Question

    !Hi. I am currently writing a short story and need a few questions answered. 1. How could a spacecraft traveling at 10% the speed of light be slowed down? 2. Is such a high velocity practical for a spacecraft staying within the same solar system? My story is set within a colonized...