Recent content by kafri09

  1. K

    Improving the density of tungsten

    hey all. i am making a sample of bulk tungsten. but i am getting only about 84% denstiy... can anyone suggest a mathod of improving it? i do not want to change my sintering process so the method should be after i get the bulk... so... anyone can suggest a process to go from 84% bulk...
  2. K

    Quasicrystal diffraction pattern

    hey all. i was wondering what's the diffrance between quasicrystal diffraction pattern and normal crystals (single and multiple).. where can i find some info about the diffrences? thanks , alon
  3. K

    Al-W Phase Diagram: Research & Info Source

    well...i was afraid the answer would be the arc... but how did the guy in 1940 made his diagram? i now he made it in some sort of experiment...but i don't know how...
  4. K

    Al-W Phase Diagram: Research & Info Source

    thx for the answer, but still... i was kinda hoping for more information about the first diagram that was 1940... i was hoping to find the way HE did it... the final purpose is to succesfully make a bulk from tungsten-aluminium that can holg great temp... but i am having...
  5. K

    Al-W Phase Diagram: Research & Info Source

    lol. i don't need the diagram. i know how it looks , and i have it. i am interested in how they came up with it. who made it and how.
  6. K

    Al-W Phase Diagram: Research & Info Source

    hey all. i am doing some research about the Al-W system. and i wanted to find out how the diagram was made. i searched and found who made it - Clark W.D.: "THE ALUMINIUM-TUNGSTEN EQUILIBRIUM DIAGRAM", J. Inst. Met. 66 (1940) 271–286. but i can't find any more info , and i cand...
  7. K

    Is C6H3Cl3 can cuase cancer

    hellp all.. i was doing a lab today and we use C6H3Cl3. and i was told that it is dangerous and it can cause cancer. why is that? what makes it so dangerous? thanks.
  8. K

    What Are Dynamic Hardness Measurements?

    hello. can anyone help me find information about "dynamic hardness measurements" ? a direction to books or websites will be very helpful... thanks
  9. K

    Units of vickers,brinell and rockwell. .

    yes it does. thank u Mapes!
  10. K

    Units of vickers,brinell and rockwell. .

    hello everyone. a little question...(or mybe two...)... why does vickers and brinell hardness test have the units of stress ? and why does rockwell test has no units at all ? thanks to all !