Recent content by kadiot

  1. kadiot

    Can climate change trigger earthquakes?

    I want you to read the short story I wrote, but I can't post it publicly. If I do that, the publisher may decline my submission. Anyway, thank you again for the helpful information you guys provided.
  2. kadiot

    Can climate change trigger earthquakes?

    Many thanks for the replies. The title of my short story is “The Big One". The “Big One” is a worst-case scenario of an earthquake from the West Valley Fault, a 100-kilometer fault that runs through six cities in Metro Manila and nearby provinces. A tsunami is also foreseen in the scenario set...
  3. kadiot

    Can climate change trigger earthquakes?

    I joined Dystopia Manila anthology book project. It’s a collection of one-shot stories with two very important elements: 1. A climate change crisis that humans failed to address; and 2. A dystopian, sci-fi story that is set in a futuristic Metro Manila I'm wondering if climate change triggers...
  4. kadiot

    The bradykinin hypothesis generated by a supercomputer AI

    First of all, the cytokine dysregulation ("storm" is such a loaded term, there are degrees - even storms have categories) involves not just bradykinin but a whole host of cytokines including IL-6 and the renin-angiotensin system. It also involves a whole lot of cells including T-cells...
  5. kadiot

    COVID On the report from Hong Kong of possible reinfection of COVID-19

    Because we do not know what implication this reinfection has for upcoming vaccines. We need to closely listen to what the science is telling us.
  6. kadiot

    COVID On the report from Hong Kong of possible reinfection of COVID-19

    What is the difference between infection and disease? Those two are different concepts that can be confusing, IMO.
  7. kadiot

    COVID On the report from Hong Kong of possible reinfection of COVID-19

    Yes. Even the very first case report in HK we have not yet seen the full circumtance. The case has been accepted by the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases but not yet published, meaning the data isn't yet available for full us to review.
  8. kadiot

    COVID On the report from Hong Kong of possible reinfection of COVID-19

    This NY Times article quotes one of the scientists saying there was no antibody response in the first infection, but I saw an IgG graph with some reponse. Really best to wait for the paper. Of note, NYT had access to the manuscript. The rest of us mortals have to wait for CID to spit it out. Yes...
  9. kadiot

    COVID On the report from Hong Kong of possible reinfection of COVID-19

    Yes. The 2nd infection was asymptomatic, and there was a rise in the antibody titers after it had previously dropped off. What this sounds like is that the titers of antibodies naturally went down but went back up in response to reexposure. It was not fast enough to completely eliminate the...
  10. kadiot

    COVID On the report from Hong Kong of possible reinfection of COVID-19

    Yes. The 2nd infection was asymptomatic, and there was a rise in the antibody titers after it had previously dropped off. What this sounds like is that the titers of antibodies naturally went down but went back up in response to reexposure. It was not fast enough to completely eliminate the...
  11. kadiot

    COVID On the report from Hong Kong of possible reinfection of COVID-19

    However, it is unclear if the patient got clinically sick both times, had mild or severe disease, had comorbid illnesses, was immunocompromised, or received immunosuppressive drugs. We have good data that infection produces neutralizing antibodies and T-cell immunity in most patients. We do...
  12. kadiot

    COVID COVID-19 Coronavirus Containment Efforts

    Herd immunity, if achieved, is theoretically a great thing. Theoretically. This is what we’ve been saying all along. No one can be sure of things, of their theories, especially that this pandemic has not run its full course and the virus is still unraveling. We can’t test our theories on the...
  13. kadiot

    COVID COVID-19 Coronavirus Containment Efforts

    Off-topic... Again I ask. Why China, again?
  14. kadiot

    COVID COVID-19 Coronavirus Containment Efforts

    Yes - The D614G mutation makes the virus more infectious. There is NO evidence it makes it more deadly or virulent. However, it can spread faster and overwhelm our healthcare system if we don't double our control efforts and so it can lead to a higher number of overall deaths if we do not...
  15. kadiot

    COVID COVID-19 Coronavirus Containment Efforts

    I had a swab done to test for COVID-19 due to shortness of breath because my blood pressure rises after eating crispy pork. The result will be communicated to me within 24 hours (if positive) OR within 72 hours (if negative). Can a Vicks Vaporub affect sensitivity, specificity of test results? I...