Recent content by k1point618

  1. K

    How do metronomes synchronize?

    Synchronization Phenomena: (Many of you probably have seen this, but it's still quite interesting) So I'm wondering how "exactly" this thing work? I have sort of a vague understanding... but not completely sure. Thanks for commenting & explanations!
  2. K

    An Interesting Gravitation Problem

    Ah, i c~ and i got it right =D ThanX
  3. K

    An Interesting Gravitation Problem

    Homework Statement Two satellites are launched at a distance R from a planet of negligible radius. (Yes, that's what the problem says...) Both satellites are launched in the tangential direction. the first satellite launches correctly at a speed v_0 and enters a circular orbit. The second...
  4. K

    2008 F=ma Olympiad Problems # 10 + 11

    hm... Don't quite understand how you relate the graph of F vs. a to gradient (you mean the vector gradient?). Also another question in 2008 Test:" #18 The answer is c Is it because that... the gravitational force is exerted by the...
  5. K

    2008 F=ma Olympiad Problems # 10 + 11

    Thank you for noticing the typo in the data! Well for #10: If Kinetic friction exists, then F = ma = Fspring - Ffriction F = Fspring - m*g*mukinetic? Since there are two unknowns: muk and m, just take two cases to set up two equations? AH HAH! I took the first and the last trial and...
  6. K

    2008 F=ma Olympiad Problems # 10 + 11

    I saw that they gave F and a, so F = ma, I tried to find m, except that the m i obtained is different every time, varying from 30 to 10kg. #11 i guessed it correctly, but i didn't have much reasoning. Static friction is the force that the spring has to overcome in order to accelerate the...
  7. K

    2008 F=ma Olympiad Problems # 10 + 11

    These two problems are based one some data from an experiment. Of course, experiment often don't carry out perfectly matching theory... And I'm having some difficulty understanding the answer. Problem: The following information applies to the next two problems An experiment consists of...
  8. K

    Possibility Problems: Finding 2 of A or B

    ah... so in this case, P(A or B) =P(A) +P(B), well that makes sense.
  9. K

    Possibility Problems: Finding 2 of A or B

    Oh, i see. So ... P(A)= 12/17+11/16 and P(B) = 5/17 + 4/16? and does P(A and B) = P(A)*P(B) ? I'm not sure
  10. K

    Possibility Problems: Finding 2 of A or B

    I don't remember how exactly to do the following kind of possibility problems... for example... there are x amount of object A, and y amount of object B. How do you find the possibility of choosing 2 numbers such that they are either both A or both B? more specifically, ex) You have 12...
  11. K

    How Do You Calculate Tension in Two Ropes Holding a Suspended Object?

    so the different hieghts of the ceiling does not matter to the problem?
  12. K

    How Do You Calculate Tension in Two Ropes Holding a Suspended Object?

    Sorry, Over a ceiling, but the ropes are fastened at different heights.
  13. K

    How Do You Calculate Tension in Two Ropes Holding a Suspended Object?

    So i was wondering, why does the problem give the length of the ropes? and how does the high difference of the cieling affects the problem?