Recent content by jvangael

  1. J

    Learn Relativity: Exercises & Solutions

    Thanks All, but the thing I am looking for are problems with solutions. Not for the Schwarz & Schwarz book per se, but just in general for relativity. I have enough theory to read, but there's no substitute for problem solving. So if any of you have pointers to problem+solutions, let me know...
  2. J

    Learn Relativity: Exercises & Solutions

    Hi, I am currently trying to learn some relativity. I am using the book by Schwartz & Schwartz to get some idea of Flat Space Time and the mathematics behind it, I hope to move on to general relativity in the future. My question: I am trying to solve some excercises but I have a hard time...
  3. J

    Is There an Equation for Quantum Randomness?

    Hi, The answer is no. What you are talking about are hidden variables. Bell showed that no hidden variable theory can explain all quantum phenomena (Bell particularly meant entanglement here). Jurgen
  4. J

    How do particles become entangled?

    Hi Blip, So when Bob performs a measurement Alice does not gain any information on her state nor can she tell whether Bob made his measurement. TBut, Bob can conclude in which state Alice's qubit will be in when she measures. After Alice and Bob's measurements are performed on their...
  5. J

    How do particles become entangled?

    I know for example in one of the first experiments performed to test the Bell inequalities, Alain Aspect used a phenomenon which is called Atomic Radiative Cascades to create entangled photons. The basic idea was to excite a certain atom (Calcium?) to an excited state. Most atoms fall back in a...
  6. J

    Exploring Entanglement Measures: Bridging Physics and Quantum Information Theory

    Thanks sliboy, It will take me a while to go through them but I sure am interested in some of these results. Thanks, Jurgen
  7. J

    Exploring Entanglement Measures: Bridging Physics and Quantum Information Theory

    Hi Slyboy, Isn't there a possibility that some relation between entanglement measures and Bell inequalities is possible? Look at section 4.3.4 (4.1.8 in old edition) in Chapter 4 of Preskill's notes. A state \alpha |00> + \beta |11> can violate the CHSH equalities. The amount of violation is...
  8. J

    Exploring Wayne Myrvold's Ideas on Entanglement

    Hi All, I just came across a paragraph in a little book called "Entanglement" by Amir Aczel. In it it said that Wayne Myrvold proved that it is undecidable whether two states are entangled or not. Does anyone have any knowledge or references to his ideas? Thanks, Jurgen
  9. J

    Exploring Entanglement Measures: Bridging Physics and Quantum Information Theory

    Hi All, Let me explain some things I learned lately on entanglement measures. First of all, there is entanglement for pure states and entanglement for mixed states. A pure state is unentangled if it can be written as a productstate. A mixed state is unentangled if it can be written as a...
  10. J

    Exploring Entanglement Measures: Bridging Physics and Quantum Information Theory

    Hi, AFAIK there is no one measure of entanglement. There are different measures which apply well in different situations. I found this article "PRL 78, 12, 2275-2279: Quantifying Entanglement" interesting. Here the authors define a sort of scheme which good entanglement measures should obey...
  11. J

    What are the main algorithms used in quantum computing?

    It depends. Are you interested in core Quantum Computing or are you interested in the foundation of physics? The multiverse idea is interesting but has no practical applications in Quantum Computing; it is more a topic in the realm of philosophy and the interpretation of quantum mechanics. If...
  12. J

    What are the main algorithms used in quantum computing?

    Exactly. TO calculate it easily, for each component of the superposition and for every qubit in each component you apply the hadamard transform. Then you get this (rather large) sum. You then just add all the same components together. Jurgen
  13. J

    Riddle: How to Escape an Island with Lava & Gun-Wielding Boats

    My Guess: if there is a ring of people in boats in the - water surrounding the island - then you just leave the island on the opposite side of where the ring is. Unless you meanth ofcourse that the ring of people surround the island like the wall does? Jurgen
  14. J

    Exploring the Mysterious Phenomenon of Quantum Entanglement

    Deutch problem Hi Marlon, I think you are mistaken here. There is no entanglement involved in detuch's algorithm. The start states for the algorithm are unentangled and the end state is: ((-1)^{f(0)}|0> + (-1)^{f(1)}|1>)(|0>-|1>) So there is no entanglement involved here. Grover and...
  15. J

    What are the main algorithms used in quantum computing?

    I can't go through all the details but try figuring out for yourself what a Hadamard gate does to all the basis states. Than sum up what you need for the state after an oracly query and apply basic linear algebra. I believe Nielsen & Chuang has a really good overview of the Linear Algebra...