Recent content by JustMeDK

  1. J

    Criterion for (non)decomposability of a representation?

    To anyone interested: My posed question has been completely settled at
  2. J

    Criterion for (non)decomposability of a representation?

    It is perhaps an idea worth looking into, thanks. I would prefer working at the linear level, though, for the following two reasons: 1.) I have no experience with the machinery of characters; 2.) I fear that the exponentiation and subsequent generation of a group (by obtaining closure under...
  3. J

    Criterion for (non)decomposability of a representation?

    To be a little more specific about the representation at hand: it consists of elements, NOT all of which are invertible, thus, of course, not generating any group.
  4. J

    Criterion for (non)decomposability of a representation?

    Thanks for your reply, fzero. I am not quite certain, though, that the method you propose is of any use to me for the particular case I have at hand: the representation is not that of any group (and it seems that the Schur orthogonality relations concern representations of groups). Also, and...
  5. J

    Criterion for (non)decomposability of a representation?

    Any given representation (some matrices of some algebra) will be reducible if there exists a singular, but nonzero matrix S that commutes with all elements of the representation; conversely, if no such S exists, then the representation is irreducible. This is Schur's Lemma. My question is...
  6. J

    Eigenvalues of a rank 1 matrix?

    I might argue something like the following: By row operations, a rank 1 matrix may be reduced to a matrix with only the first row being nonzero. The eigenvectors of such a matrix may be chosen to be the ordinary Euclidian basis, in which the eigenvalues become zero's and the 11-component of this...
  7. J

    Sign of the time derivative of the Majorana Lagrangian

    Extracting observables Perhaps more concretely the following general question is what I am asking: How are any observables - ordinary, real numbers - to be extracted from a classical (i.e., non-quantum) theory that uses Grassmann numbers? Using complex self-conjugate quantities like...
  8. J

    Sign of the time derivative of the Majorana Lagrangian

    Let \gamma^{\rho} \in M_{4}(\mathbb{R}) be the Majorana representation of the Dirac algebra (in spacetime signature \eta_{00} = -1), and consider the Majorana Lagrangian \mathcal{L} = \mathrm{i} \theta^{\mathrm{T}} \gamma^{0} (\gamma^{\rho} \partial_{\rho} - m) \theta, where \theta is a...
  9. J

    Matrix Algebra: Info on M^{-1}_{i} M_{j} + M^{-1}_{j} M_{i} = 2\delta_{ij} I

    I do not think that it should be necessary to specify any constraints on the operators M_{i}, other than they are taken to be matrices of some dimension (i.e., focusing on representations only of the algebra, rather than realizations generally). What I would like to know is the classification of...
  10. J

    General Relativity vs. quantum gravity

    Gravity is not a fictitious force. Gravity is equivalent to the presence of tidal forces, i.e., to a nonzero Riemannian curvature tensor, {R^{\rho}}_{\sigma\mu\nu} \neq 0. The classical fictitious forces correspond to the special case where {R^{\rho}}_{\sigma\mu\nu} \equiv 0 (no tidal forces)...
  11. J

    Matrix Algebra: Info on M^{-1}_{i} M_{j} + M^{-1}_{j} M_{i} = 2\delta_{ij} I

    Thanks for your reply, chiro. But, unless I am fundamentally mistaken, the algebra I mention is generally not (due to the presence also of inverses, M_{i}^{-1}) equivalent to some (anti)commutator algebra. Of course, in special cases equivalence is present: for instance, if M_{i} are taken to...
  12. J

    Matrix Algebra: Info on M^{-1}_{i} M_{j} + M^{-1}_{j} M_{i} = 2\delta_{ij} I

    I would like to know where, if possible, I could find some information on the (matrix) algebra M^{-1}_{i} M_{j} + M^{-1}_{j} M_{i} = 2\delta_{ij} I. I expect this algebra to be among the very many different algebras that mathematicians have studied, but I have been unable to Google my way...
  13. J

    Generating Noether charges for Dirac Lagrangian

    Thanks for your reply. Since yesterday I have myself realized that it is best to start from {\cal{L}}_{D} = \bar{\psi}(i\gamma^{\rho}\partial_{\rho} - m)\psi . I'am aware of the fact that for boosts only the spin part of Eq. (5.74) vanishes. I apologize if that was not apparent from my...
  14. J

    Generating Noether charges for Dirac Lagrangian

    I have been calculating the currents and associated Noether charges for Lorentz transformations of the Dirac Lagrangian. Up to some spacetime signature dependent overall signs I get for the currents expressions in agreement with Eq. (5.74) in . What...