Recent content by just_a_quicky

  1. J

    Solving the Mystery of the Sealed Room's Temperature

    What happens next then if the fridge is constantly running, surely the temperature just keeps rising - more energy in = more heat ?
  2. J

    Solving the Mystery of the Sealed Room's Temperature

    Not homework - just something to talk about at work. I think the obvious answer is that the temperature will rise - power is being put into a sealed system - therefore the effect is that the energy being put in will cause heat to be generated. But I am curious about whether the cooling...
  3. J

    Solving the Mystery of the Sealed Room's Temperature

    A colleague has just posed this question and I need some help. There is a sealed room in space that has no external infulences. Inside the room is a fridge. The fridge is powered on and its door is open. The question is, what happens to the temperature of the room ?