Recent content by Just some guy

  1. J

    What is the integral of a square of Dirac delta function?

    Homework Statement Hi there, I'm stuck at a problem where I have (sorry i don't know how to use mathtype so I'll try my best at making this clear) the integral of a dirac delta function squared: int[delta(x*-x)^2] between minus infinity and infinity (x*=constant) I know that the function...
  2. J

    Compton scattering: electron absorbs then emits a photon?

    Aren't you cracking eggs with sledgehammers here? I haven't treated compton scattering using the wavefunction yet but to my knowledge what happens is an electron in an atom absorbs a photon and rises a few energy levels, and then releases a photon of a different energy by moving down one or more...
  3. J

    Do Ideal Gases Absorb Heat When Expanded?

    I never said it did :/
  4. J

    Ideal Gases: What Kind of Work?

    A simple way to think about it is that work is anything that can in principle be carried out by lowering a weight.
  5. J

    Is Your Belt Buckle Causing Unnecessary Panic at the Bank?

    You'd think that maybe, just maybe it would have been a sensible idea for the guy to change belts or not wear one at all before walking into the bank :/ Then again maybe not, it makes a great story for him to tell :p:
  6. J

    Do You Have What It Takes to be a Genius?

    Nah, not really close. Come to think of it I don't think I've ever met a genius :/ I guess I'll stumble across one eventually. But I do think that IQ tests don't really have a lot to do with genius. I once saw an article about a guy who created sculptures from a grain of sand, painted them with...
  7. J

    Synthetic, exotic particles as a sign of extraterrestrial life

    I would have thought that the only reason a particle can be synthetic is because it is inherently unstable and radioactive, otherwise it's bound to exist somewhere in nature. With that in mind wouldn't any weird particles beamed to us decay before they got to us? I guess you could accellerate...
  8. J

    Do Ideal Gases Absorb Heat When Expanded?

    ideal gases can expand isothermally so I would assume they could absorb heat. Anyway ideal gases were meant to be a simple model of a gas that accurately reflects reality as far as it can; it's a pretty rubbish model if it forbids isothermal expansions :s
  9. J

    A different kind of solar power

    Well this is fairly simple so I guess there's a flaw in my 'plan' somewhere :p, but hey here goes. Current solar cells are only about 25% efficient, however instead of using sunlight to directly generate electrical current why not use it as a heat source? Of course sunlight is normally low...
  10. J

    Entertain an idea from an ignorant student for a minute

    Hiho, long time since I've posted here. So I've been thinking about 1 or 2 things. Globular clusters are assumed to be the earliest structures formed in the universe because they are roughly the size of the Jeans length. But I'm thinking that if the universe was very nearly isotropic the...
  11. J

    Do You Eat Breakfast? Survey Reveals 4 Out of 6 Overweight

    I eat breakfast whenever I'm up early enough to eat it. Which means I never eat breakfast. Pass the AK-47 please.
  12. J

    France 1-0 South Korea | Henry Scores!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! How did South Korea pull off a draw? They were totally outclassed! :biggrin: But still, God that was great :biggrin: :biggrin: - Imagine if France get knocked out of the group stages! Come on Togo :biggrin: :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
  13. J

    England vs Paraguay: England Up 1-0 at Half!

    Great team, shame about the coach. What was Erikkson thinking? Let's put pressure on Paraguay by taking off a striker? Blech.
  14. J

    A-Level General Studies: What's Involved & Is It Respected?

    General Studies is some kind of bad joke, most Universities won't even consider it when making offers (e.g. ABB excluding general studies).