Recent content by Jun Kyoto

  1. J

    What is the "subject" of upload/download?

    Thank you everyone, I undersood that this is a judgment call as meBigGuy said. Since there is space on UI we will label [download from image processor / upload to image processor]. It has been rewarding to confirm our idea that calling it download/upload is a matter of the hierarchy and that...
  2. J

    What is the "subject" of upload/download?

    I am involved in an UI design project for a setup tool for an image processor. The setup tool is computer software used to adjust settings of the image processor by connecting to it with a cable. The software can both obtain/send data from/to the image processor. Should I call obtaining data...
  3. J

    How do you use these terms differently?: monitor, display, w

    There are too many terms to describe digital screen or part of it and I am having hard time how to correctly use them. Am I correct to say they relate as follows?: Monitor (physical) | Display (*all figurative after this) = screen = view = window > pane (part of display/screen/view/window)...
  4. J

    Term to express a range of fluctuation

    I think maximum/minimum scaling factor will do.
  5. J

    Term to express a range of fluctuation

    Maybe, "scale factor range"? Researching farther, though
  6. J

    Term to express a range of fluctuation

    Yes, the size fluctuation we are talking about here is mainly caused by varying distance between camera and object. Although it may include that caused by other distortions. I haven't look through image recognition documentations. i should. Do you have any good online resource in mind??
  7. J

    Term to express a range of fluctuation

    Thank you berkeman, and sorry for the lack of context. Yes, I do have a camera system and image processing software in mind. It is about an image sensor.. The software memorizes a sample image and then can inspect the presence of the image in another image. To find the sample image when it is...
  8. J

    Term to express a range of fluctuation

    Thank you ScottSalley, Though, when I look up "scale factor" on Wikipedia, it says it is "coefficient". Does it also imply "range"? Because the substance of the concept of what I am trying to explain is "limit of range (allowance)".
  9. J

    Term to express a range of fluctuation

    I am trying to make a term for a function equipped on an image sensor. The term is to express "the upper limit of fluctuation allowance in image size which is specified in %" The value of percentage does not express the ratio of the enlarged image size compared to the original image size, so...
  10. J

    What is the term for this image processing?

    Thank you everyone! I think "downsampling" is it. Just to understand further, interpolating is a method for upsampling, am I right? > I was trying to simplify an image by reducing just the raw number of pixels.
  11. J

    What is the term for this image processing?

    How do you call of the digital image processing that simplifies an image by reducing the amount of pixels? I thought of the word “thinning”. But according to ”Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing” by Anil K. Jain, “Thinning algorithm transforms an object to a set of simple digital arcs...
  12. J

    Are these abbreviations common in programming/image processing?

    Thank you all, this has been very helpful. As @Mark44 assumed, space on the UI is limited and that is only why we are considering use of abbreviations. Will use them within a clear context/clues at the least frequency.
  13. J

    Are these abbreviations common in programming/image processing?

    @Mark44, Thank you, your expertise really counts! @itbell and other possible audience, Here's some more specific examples: -Set by angle and pos. (to mean "Set by angle and position") -Measure ref. (to mean "Find the reference point") -Ref. other image (to mean "Reference other image")...
  14. J

    Are these abbreviations common in programming/image processing?

    Are any of the following abbreviations common or do they rather make you confused when they are on an user interface of an image processing related product?Any other suggestions? - Position-Pos. - Coordinate - Coord. - Radius - r - Circle - CRCL/ Cir./ Circ./ Crcl - Deviation - Dev. - Region -...