Recent content by jumi

  1. J

    What is the Standard Deviation of the Mean for Lab Homework Data?

    Thanks for the replies. So what exactly should I do? Are the formulas tms posted correct?
  2. J

    What is the Standard Deviation of the Mean for Lab Homework Data?

    Homework Statement Using 5 different ammeters, you get the following data (all measured in Amps): I_{A} = 128 ± 2 I_{B} = 121 ± 1 I_{C} = 114 ± 8 I_{D} = 120 ± 3 I_{E} = 122 ± 4 Calculate the mean current and the standard deviation of the mean. Homework Equations Standard...
  3. J

    3-Qubit Quantum Circuit with 1 CNOT

    Ok, I have this circuit, and I'm trying to devise a way to create an 8x8 matrix for any given combination of target qubit and controlled qubit. (I is the identity matrix, and X is the CNOT operator) I want it to also include the qubit that passes through untouched because I'm trying to...
  4. J

    Engineering Quantum Computation 4x4 Unitary Matrix for Circuit

    Homework Statement What is the 4x4 unitary matrix for the circuit in the computational basis. Homework Equations We were given the following relationship in our notes: . By letting A = H and B = I, the answer is supposedly supposed to be: simply by inspection (where H is the...
  5. J

    Solving Electric Field: From (3) to (4)

    I don't understand how I could just go from (1) and (2) to (4)... Or why the numerator doesn't have a vector magnitude, whereas the demoninator does... I was, however, able to get the correct answer, just not using the full notation from equation (1). So I start with: \vec{E} (...
  6. J

    Solving Electric Field: From (3) to (4)

    So there's this situation going on: Going from the definition of an electric field: (1) \vec{E} ( \vec{x} ) = \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_{0}} ∫ \frac{\vec{x} - \vec{x'}}{| \vec{x} - \vec{x'} | ^3} ρ( \vec{x'}) d^3x' (2) The...
  7. J

    Quantum Computation Probabilities

    I don't follow how this expression makes it easier: \langle x_{\pm} | = | x_{\pm} \rangle^{ \dagger } = \left( \frac{|0\rangle \pm |1\rangle}{\sqrt{2}} \right)^{ \dagger } = \frac{|0\rangle^{ \dagger } \pm |1\rangle^{ \dagger }}{\sqrt{2}} = \frac{\langle 0 | \pm \langle 1 |}{\sqrt{2}}
  8. J

    Quantum Computation Probabilities

    Thanks so much! I really appreciate all the help.
  9. J

    Quantum Computation Probabilities

    Oh, alright, I get it now. Disregard that second statement. I knew the complex conjugate showed up in some capacity, but you answered it in your first sentence. So all in all (sorry for continually pestering you...), I would take \left|x_{+}\right\rangle = \frac{\left|0\right\rangle +...
  10. J

    Quantum Computation Probabilities

    Ok, I had a chance to review the math a bit. So knowing, P(\alpha) = | \langle x_{\alpha} | \psi \rangle |^2 = \langle x_{\alpha} | \psi \rangle ^* \langle x_{\alpha} | \psi \rangle = \langle \psi | x_{\alpha} \rangle \langle x_{\alpha} | \psi \rangle, I can simply multiply the row vector...
  11. J

    I have no idea what 'Normalize'/'Normalization' means Help please?

    Ok thanks, it's starting to piece together a little better now. I'll definitely give that book a read. So we can't say say |\alpha_{00}|^2 and |\alpha_{01}|^2 sum up to equal 1 since they were only 2 of the 4 options in the original function. But we CAN say that for the second measurement...
  12. J

    I have no idea what 'Normalize'/'Normalization' means Help please?

    I'm actually an Engineering Physics major. Never taken a QM or probability course, either. Currently a junior. We're using "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information" by Nielsen and Chuang. I understood mostly everything in your first post. However, it seems like you just took a leap to...
  13. J

    Quantum Computation Probabilities

    Awesome reply, thanks. I don't have time to really sit down and mess around with the math tonight, but I'll take a look at it tomorrow and see what I can come up with. I'll make another reply if I'm still having trouble. Otherwise, I really appreciate the help. Thanks.
  14. J

    I have no idea what 'Normalize'/'Normalization' means Help please?

    Ok, thanks. Yeah, I can see and reproduce the pattern, but I was wondering "why". No worries, though; I appreciate your help.
  15. J

    I have no idea what 'Normalize'/'Normalization' means Help please?

    Ok, I understand that. However, in class, we did something like this: Say we have the same 2-qubit state we've been talking about, \left|ψ\right\rangle = \alpha_{00}\left|00\right\rangle + \alpha_{01}\left|01\right\rangle + \alpha_{10}\left|10\right\rangle +...