Recent content by jtabije

  1. J

    Understanding Ampere's Law: Exploring Complex Magnetic Fields and Amperian Loops

    I had a thought that I hope you could give me feedback on: Imagine a complex configuration that had a steady current, such that it's magnetic field was complex as well (I apologize for using 'complex' quite loosely here). If I were to apply Ampere's Law and form an Amperian loop that did not...
  2. J

    General Question Regarding Internal Energy

    Woah, AM. I've never heard of the equipartition theorem before, but after reading about it, what you said about internal energy makes complete sense. Like I said, I overlooked something fundamental. Thanks!
  3. J

    General Question Regarding Internal Energy

    Hi all! I have a quick question. In my Physical Chemistry textbook, the author states, "For a closed system in equilibrium, the internal energy (and any other state function) can be expressed as a function of temperature and volume." Can anyone explain just how that is true? I'm quite...
  4. J

    Implications of infinity on positional entropy?

    Look at the spread of the molecules in a given volume instead of the number of positions a given molecule can have.
  5. J

    Confused About Isotherms: Graph of Methane Volume vs Pressure

    Well, isn't that embarrassing on my part? Thanks for the correction!
  6. J

    Confused About Isotherms: Graph of Methane Volume vs Pressure

    Recall the gas laws: Boyle's Law states: P\alphaV (The pressure of a gas is proportional to its volume and vice versa.) Avogadro's Law states: V\alphan (The volume of a gas is proportional to its amount (in moles) and vice versa.) Charle's Law states: V\alphaT (The volume of a gas is...
  7. J

    Understanding Absolute Values.

    Ahh! The initial value! How could I have overlooked that, Mark44? Thanks!
  8. J

    Understanding Absolute Values.

    Thanks for the reply, Mathman. Is there another way than to separate it into separate cases? I feel as if I'm forgetting a key concept. For example, consider this simplifcation that was given in a solution manual of mine: I(x) = e^{\int(-1/x dx)} = e^{(-ln(x))}= e^{ln(x^{-1})} = 1/x...
  9. J

    Understanding Absolute Values.

    Hey Guys! I've frequently come by this forum and have finally joined it in hopes that I could get some more conceptual insight in understanding math. One thing that I have trouble with is absolute values. I understand that: |x|= \sqrt{x^2} .. and how it can be defined given restrictions on...