Recent content by Jstar70

  1. J

    The collapse of the wave function?

    great! thanks a lot, looking forward to reading the material
  2. J

    The collapse of the wave function?

    Looks like I'm mixing my apples with my oranges. A consequence of trying to self educate. What is a good book to start with? I have a lot of reading to do if I hope to understand this stuff. P.S. I wasn't suggesting the particles were stuck on the screen in any way, just that when the particle...
  3. J

    The collapse of the wave function?

    my point is that when those particles hit the screen is relevant because the image at the end becomes a flip book. The first shot is a picture of a particle frozen in time, that is why the image looks like a dot. when you shoot 1000 particles at the screen over a period of let's say a 5 minute...
  4. J

    The collapse of the wave function?

    so i think it is obvious that i am a total noob at all this but in the double slit experiment the particle reveals its position when it hits the screen correct? before it hits the screen it can only be described by a probability distribution. my question is if the screen is sectioned off in a...
  5. J

    The collapse of the wave function?

    Thanks for your reply, i am new to this and am looking to better understand the core concepts.
  6. J

    The collapse of the wave function?

    is the Schrodinger equation just a measurement of quantum states while in motion and the Copenhagen interpretation just a measurement of a static quantum state?
  7. J

    The collapse of the wave function?

    I never took any physics courses nor don't have a background in mathematics never the less I became very interested in quantum physics after reading Sean Carroll's book Something deeply hidden. One of the difficult things for me to wrap my head around was the concept of superposition and...