Recent content by jsea-7

  1. J

    What is the group refractive index for a monochromatic wave in a laser cavity?

    Homework Statement .[/B] I am attempting to determine the group refractive index of a laser cavity at it's resonance frequency. Homework Equations .[/B] \begin{align*} \frac{2\omega n L}{c} &= 2m\pi \end{align*} \begin{align*} n_g &= n + \omega \frac{dn}{d\omega} \end{align*} 3. The attempt...
  2. J

    Best Radio Frequency AM/FM radio

    I just attached a simple vertical antenna to the radio. Its a type of antenna that you would usually find on radios. I hope that is what you were asking.
  3. J

    Best Radio Frequency AM/FM radio

    Homework Statement Build an AM/FM radio. Determine the frequency and wavelength of the radio wave for best reception. 2. The attempt at a solution I have built a AM/FM radio. My only problem is how do I determine the optimum frequency for best reception? I have only one solution and...
  4. J

    Does physics support the notion of eternity?

    I would assume that physics does support the notion of eternity seems as space-time is a continuum and will last for an infinite amount of time. :)
  5. J

    Energy required to the Moons orbit

    I don't think such an equation will ever exist seems as our universe (that is the visible universe) we live in is dependant on gravity to keep everything in the cosmos in order. But I guess there is a chance that my assumption is wrong and their maybe some genius who may determine a formula and...
  6. J

    Top Materials for Building a High-Performing Mousetrap Car | Expert Tips

    I had a great design back in the day :)... and it could go approximately 10-13 metres on a good run (it was a shame that it didn't do a good run on the race day :( ). So here's some tips from my experience: Balsa wood is great for the moustraps body; use some type of wood for the wheels and...
  7. J

    Exploring Where Kinetic Energy Goes in a Closed System

    The kinetic energy that you give the ball (through throwing it) would disperse through many forms of energy; also suggested by russ_waters in the previous message. But I would not speculate that the main form of energy that the kinetic energy of the ball is dispersed to, is mainly through heat...
  8. J

    Stainless Steel odour-removal bar

    Yes. 1. I haven't looked up the scientific side of the product. 2. But I do know that it does help clense the skin from odors. How do I know this? I own one :) and it helps relieve my hands from remnants of food that usually would harm my hands after or while I am preparing it. P.S. If...
  9. J

    Learning Green's Functions: Best Resources & Books

    Websites: * * * Great Book: Green's Functions, Author G.F.Roach Hope that helps a little bit :)
  10. J

    Brand new physics animation site

    Nice sites :)
  11. J

    Good suggestions for a casual enthusiast anyone?

    I agree... Anything related to number theory is pretty interesting... I personally like the book "Fermat's Last Theorem" which is based on the quest that mathematics and mathematicians took to find the answer to a three hundred year old theorem... Is very interseting and I could not put it...
  12. J

    Train Acceleration Calculation: Spider on a Web Scenario

    The spider is acting like a pendulum ;)
  13. J

    Space ships and manoeuvrability

    How exactly would a propeller be ripped to shreads?
  14. J

    Space ships and manoeuvrability

    I presumed that. But I also thought that space contained cosmic dust and hydrogen and hellium atoms, therefore it can't be a total vacuum.
  15. J

    Space ships and manoeuvrability

    The question is why space ships cannot use propellers or conventional airplane jets to move in space?