Recent content by jp1390

  1. J

    Drum Resonance Physics: Understanding How Tunings Affect Frequency

    Interesting poster found discussing the topic: Another...
  2. J

    Drum Resonance Physics: Understanding How Tunings Affect Frequency

    Hello, I have recently picked up drumming and the topic of tuning has peaked my interest. I have gone over numerous sources (academic theses, Wikipedia, HyperPhysics, etc.) trying to piece together what is occurring when drums (right now tom with two heads, batter and resonant, are of most...
  3. J

    Solving an Inverse FT: ω0 = ∏/4, y(t) = p_4(t)sin(πt/4)?

    Hi, quick question regarding my solution of this Inv. FT: Y(\omega) = \frac{1}{j}[sinc(\frac{2\omega}{\pi} - \frac{1}{2}) - sinc(\frac{2\omega}{\pi} + \frac{1}{2})] Recognizing that that this looks a lot like this property of the FT: x(t)sin(\omega_{0}t) \leftrightarrow \frac{j}{2}[X(\omega +...